Privacy rights, legal problems, and paths to justice

AuthorLesley A. Jacobs
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Today, in their everyday lives, younger Canadia ns experience threats to
their privacy rights that were not faced by their parents or grandparents
a generation ago. Using social networking sites such as Facebook includes
the risk that their private personal information will be shared involuntar-
ily among their friends and peers — and anonymous corporations around
the world. Playing virtua l-world games online exposes them to new forms
of advertising and marketing that are adjusted to reect the individual
choices and behaviour they display as players during a game. If they are
cyberbullied, t heir sense of self is threatened; cyberbully ing is the catalyst
for suicides, in part, because the teenage v ictims are unable to hide from ag-
gression by other members of their virtual c ommunities. is book focuses
on the diculties Canadian youth face with privacy rights mobilization
and how they resolve the privacy-oriented legal problems that stem from
social networking, v irtual-world gaming, and cyberbullying.
e research framework presents the paths to justice for resolving legal
problems arising from violations of privacy rights of Canadian youth on a
continuum. At one extreme, paths to justice can be informal a nd exible,
largely outside the realm of government. Primary responsibility for resolv-
ing the legal problems rests on individuals and private-sector businesses
and organizations. In the midd le of the continuum are paths to justice that
rely on proactive government regulation and corresponding regulatory
agencies. Governments and policy makers assume primary responsibility
for helping people to resolve their legal problems. At the other extreme, the
paths to justice involve the formal justice system, perhaps most formally
the crimina l justice system. Legal problems are addressed in an adversarial

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