
AuthorAlison Weir
Statistical analysis assumes one has a sample and asks questions about the
populations that could have generated the observed sample. Probability
theory assumes everything is known about a population and asks ques-
tions about potential samples. Probability is littered with paradoxes and
surprising results, including the following examples:
1) The Birthday Problem: How many people should you have at a party if
you want there to be a 50 percent chance of at least two people sharing
the same birthday?
Answer: Twenty-three.
Many people f‌ind this number surprisingly small, but the question
is about pairs of people and twenty-three party-goers allows for 253
dif‌ferent pairings. Enough that there is a 50 percent chance that at
least one pair will share a birthday.
2) The Monty Hall Problem: In the old television game show Let’s Make a
Deal, a contestant is asked to pick one of three doors. Behind one door
is a valuable prize and, behind the other two, a goat. The contestant
gets to pick a door, which remains unopened. The host then opens
one of the other two doors, revealing a goat. The crux of the contest
comes next, when the contestant is asked if he or she wants to keep
the original selection or switch to the remaining unopened door. What
should the contestant do?
Alison Weir
794 6 Alison Weir
Answer: Switch.
At this point, there are two doors—one has a goat, the other has a
car. Intuitively, one may think that each door has a 50 percent chance
of having the car behind it. So why is switching the right choice? The
key to the answer is that, when the contestant originally chose a door,
there was a one in three chance of winning the prize. The door that
was opened to reveal a goat was not opened randomly. Instead, the
producers of the show made certain to open a door that hid a goat.
As a result, the contestant’s original one-third chance remains one
third. Looking at it another way, the chance of the contestant having
made the wrong choice remains two-thirds, and therefore switching
doubles the chance of winning.
3) The Boy-Girl Problem: Sam has two children. The older child is a girl.
What is the probability that both children are girls? Ali has two chil-
dren. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability that both
children are boys?
Answer: There is no controversy about the f‌irst question—there
is a 50 percent chance both of Sam’s children are girls. But we cannot
answer the second question because there is a subtle paradox arising
from the two possible ways to approach the problem of Ali’s children.
Look at all families with two children, one of whom is a boy. The
possible outcomes for these families are, by birth order, boy/boy,
boy/girl, or girl/boy. The probability that both children are boys is
33 percent.
Look at all boys with exactly one sibling. The possible outcomes are
that the sibling can be either a boy or a girl. The probability that
both children are boys is 50 percent.
Statisticians and mathematicians express probability as a number between
0 and 1 that represents the degree of belief that a particular event will
occur. An event with probability 1 is certain to occur, and an event with
probability 0 is certain not to occur. Outside of these f‌ields, it is typical
to express the number as a percentage. This is largely a formatting issue.
Where a statistician might express a conf‌idence level of .33, an economist
will be 33 percent conf‌ident.

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