Public Policy and Judicial Discourse: Observations on Dialogue with the Court through the Securities Reference Decision (2011)

AuthorLawrence E. Ritchie
 
Public Policy and Judicial Discourse:
Observations on Dialogue with the
Court through the Securities Reference
Decision (2011)
Lawrence E. Ritchie
Since the inception of securities regulation in Canada, the sub-
ject matter has been regulated as a matter of “property and civil
rights” by the provinces and territories, pursuant to section 92 of
the Constitution Act, 1867.2 Nevertheless, for more than seventy-
        
with the national dimensions of securities regulation within this
historical context. Beginning with the 1935 Royal Commission
on Price Spreads, more than a dozen major proposals have been
made for a Canadian securities regulator.3 Calls for a national
1 With the valuable contribution of Lorne Kotler. Adapted from comments
made at “What Next for Canada?: A Roundtable on Securities Regulation
in Canada,” held on 30 January 2012, and jointly hosted by the Univer-
sity of Toronto Faculty of Law and Torys LLP. The views of the author do
government .
  Reference
Re Securities Act, 2011 SCC 66 [Securities Reference].
3 See e.g. Report of the Royal Commission on Price Spreads (Ott awa:
King’s Printer, 1935); Royal Commission on Banki ng and Finance, Re-
port of the Royal Commission on Banking and Finance (Ottawa: Queen’s
Print er, 196 4); Report of the Attorney General’s Committee on Securi-
ties Legislation in Ontario ( Toronto: Queen’s Printer, 1965); Ontario
Securities Commission, “CANSEC: L egal and Administrative Concepts”
(November 1967), OSCB 61; Philip Anisman, “ The Proposals for a Secur-
Hall LJ 329 [1979 Proposals]; Report of the Royal Commission on the

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