
AuthorUrsulescu, Stacey

Fall sitting of the fourth session of the twenty-eighth legislature

The fourth session of the twenty-eighth legislature was opened on October 23, 2019 by Russ Mirasty, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, who delivered his first Speech from the Throne. During the fall sessional period, 33 public bills were introduced by the government and the opposition introduced two private members' public bills.

The government and opposition found common cause to pass the following three bills through all stages in one sitting day.

Bill No. 185, The Legislative Assembly (Protective Services) Amendment Act, 2019, defines what the legislative precinct encompasses and establishes the Legislative Protective Services. The legislation confirms that the Speaker is responsible for the security of the precinct.

Bill No. 186, The Provincial Emblems and Honours Amendment Act, 2019, grants former members of Executive Council, with the exception of those convicted of certain offences, to be honorary members and entitles them to use 'The Honourable' before the member's name and the initials 'E.C.S.' (Executive Council of Saskatchewan) after their name.

Bill No. 202, The Election Amendment Act...

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