Selecting and Acquiring Legal Resources

AuthorTed Tjaden
This book has focused on how to use legal resources. For some legal
researchers, this will suff‌ice since the focus of their work is hands-on
legal research. Other lawyers or legal researchers, however, will need
to choose or recommend for acquisition particular legal resources for
a law library, be it as part of a small law f‌irm or personal collection
or as part of a larger organization. Very little has been written in the
literature on how to acquire legal resources.1 Although it helps to have
a good working knowledge of legal resources when deciding what to
select or acquire, there are certain things that many lawyers or legal
researchers may not be aware of on this topic, matters that often fall
within the ex pertise of a law librarian. Therefore, this chapter is aimed
at lawyers, librarians, or other legal researchers who need to make de-
cisions about selecting and acquiring legal resources. Information is
provided on the follow ing topics:
• deciding between print and electronic resources
• determining criteria for selecting material for a law library
• managing a small law f‌ir m law library
• negotiating licences for electronic resources
1 See, for example, Dougl ass MacEllven et al, “Law Fir m Libraries” in Legal R e-
search Handbook, 6th ed (Mark ham, ON: LexisNexis Butte rworths, 2013) ch 19,
and the resourc es listed at the end of this c hapter.

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