Supreme Court of Canada appointments: the Honourable Justice Michael J. Moldaver and the Honourable Justice Andromache Karakatsanis/ nominations a la Cour supreme du Canada: L'honorable judge Michael J. Moldaver et l'honorable juge Andromache Karakatsanis.

AuthorFeldthusen, Bruce

The judges of the Supreme Court of Canada and the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Law have always maintained close personal and professional ties. It is tradition to hold a welcoming reception for each newly appointed judge to the Supreme Court of Canada. The Chier Justice and Puisne Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, Deans of the Common Law and Civil Law Sections, professors and students are invited to attend.

In keeping with this tradition, the Faculty of law celebrated on January 18, 2012 the appointments of Justices Michael J. Mondaver and Andromache Karakatsanis, which were announoed on October 17, 2011. As in previous ceremonies for Justices Deschamps, Fish, Abella, Charron, Rothstein and Cromwell, the Right Honourable Madam Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin made introductory remarks and offered her own words of welcome to Justices Moldaver and Karakatsanis: "Over the time that we've worked with them, we've grown to love them and to appreciate their many qualities and I can only say that it's with the greatest pleasure that I welcome them formally and introduce them to you, the university community."

Here are the full remarks of Dean Feldthusen, the Right Honourable Madam Chier Justice Beverley McLachlin, the Honourable Justice Michael J. Moldaver, the Honourable Justice Andromache Karakatsanis and Dean Sebastien Grammond.

Les juges de la Cour supreme du Canada et la Faculte de droit de l'Universite d'Ottawa ont toujours entretenu d'etroites relations, tant personnelles que professionnelles. La tradition veut que l'on tienne une reception d'accueil pour chaque juge nouvellement nomme a la Cour supreme du Canada. La juge en chef et les juges puines de la Cour supreme du Canada, les doyens des Sections respectives de common law et de droit civil, les professeurs et les etudiants sont convies a cette reception.

Pour perpetuer cette tradition, la Faculte de droit a celebre le 18 janvier 2012 la nomination des juges Michael J. Moldaver et Andromache Karakatsanis, annoncee le 17 octobre 2011. A l'instar des ceremonies precedentes organisees pour les juges Desehamps, Fish, Abella, Charron, Rothstein et Cromwell, la tres honorable Beverley McLachlin, juge en chef, a prononce des remarques liminaires et exprime de facon personnelle ses souhaits de bienvenue aux juges Moldaver et Karakatsanis : > (1).

Voici la version integrale des remarques du doyen Feldthusen, de la tres honorable Beverley McLachlin, juge en chef, de l'honorable Michael J. Moldaver, de l'honorable Andromache Karakatsanis et du doyen Sebastien Grammond.


Au nom des deux sections de la Faculte de droit, common law et droit civil, et au nom du doyen Sebastien Grammond de la Section de droit civil, j'aimerais souhaiter la bienvenue a toutes les personnes presentes ici ce soir, y compris nos anciens et nos anciennes, les membres de la magistrature, les juristes du barreau local, nos etudiants et etudiantes, et les membres de notre Faculte de droit.

Welcome everyone, including of course Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, juge en chef de la Cour supreme du Canada, l'honorable Louis LeBel, l'honorable Marie Deschamps, the Honourable Mr. Justice Morris J. Fish, the Honourable Madam Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella, the Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein, the Honourable Mr. Justice Thomas Albert Cromwell, and our two special guests of honour, the Honourable Mr. Justice Michael J. Moldaver and the Honourable Madam Justice Andromache Karakatsanis.

Suivant la tradition, les Sections de droit civil et de common law sont heureuses d'accueillir chaque juge nouvellement nomme a la Cour supreme du Canada.

The tradition began in 2002 with the appointment with Madame Justice Deschamps, and we have been able to welcome each new justice appointed since then.

In keeping with the tradition established by the Chier Justice and the other justices of the Supreme Court of Canada, we know that our new justices, like their colleagues before them, will be at our law school often, lending their experience and weight of office to legal education at the University of Ottawa.

The purpose of today's event is to make sure you know that you are welcome, and to invite you to adopt our law school as your own while you are here in Ottawa.

J'ai maintenant le plaisir d'inviter la tres honorable Beverley McLachlin a nous dire quelques mots. Then the Chief Justice will introduce Justices...

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