Table of cases

AuthorElaine L. Hughes, Arlene J. Kwasniak, Alastair R. Lucas
114957 Canada Ltee (Spraytech Société d’ar rosage) v Hudson (Town),
2001 SCC 40 ................................................................................................ 112
A-G v De Keyser’s Royal Hotel L td, [1920] AC 508 (HL) ....................................201
Alberta (Attor ney General) v Huggard Assets Ltd , [1953] AC 420,
[1953] 3 DLR 225, [1953] JCJ No 4 (PC) .....................................................158
Alberta Wi lderness Assn v Cardi nal River Coals Ltd,
[1999] 3 FC 425, 165 FTR 1, [1999] FCJ No 441 (TD) ........................19 7, 38 5
Appella Resou rces inc c Québec (Ministère des Re ssources naturelles
et de la Faune), 2011 QCCQ 1655 ................................................................161
Athabasc a Chipewyan First Nation v Can ada (Minister of the
Environment), 2011 FC 962 .........................................................................197
Baker v Canad a (Minister of Citizenship a nd Immigration),
[1999] 2 SCR 817, 174 DLR (4th) 193, 1999 CanLII 699 .............................174
Beauhar nois Light, Heat and Power Co Ltd v The Hydro-Electric
Power Commission of Ont ario, [1937] OR 796, [1937] 3 DLR
458, [1937] OJ No 315 (CA) ................................................................. 249, 256
Beckman v L ittle Salmon/Carmack s First Nation, 2010 SCC 53 ........................ 96
Bell Expre ssVu Limited Par tnership v Rex, 2002 SCC 42 .................................14 0
Borys v Can adian Pacif‌ic Railway Compa ny, [1952] 3 DLR 218,
4 W WR (N S) 481, [195 2] AJ No 48 (SC AD)……………………… ............... 379
British Columbi a (Attorney Genera l) v Canada (Attorney General)
(1889), 14 App Cas 295, 10 CRAC 36, [1889] JCJ No 1 ........................ 64, 379
British Columbi a Electric Railway Co. v. British Columbia (Uti lities
Commission), [1960] SCR 837, 25 DLR (2d) 689, [1960] SCJ No 51 .........256

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