Table of cases

AuthorJohn S. Tyhurst
Aetna Insurance Co v R. See R v Aet na Insurance Co
Alex Couture Inc v Can ada (Attorney General) (1991),
83 DLR (4th) 577 (Que CA), leave to appeal to SCC
ref’d (1992), 91 DLR (4th) vii ......................................................................395
Alex Couture Inc v Can ada (Procureur général) (1990),
41 QAC 1, leave to appeal ref ’d, [1992] 2 SCR v .............................................41
Apotex Inc v Homan L a-Roche Ltd (2000), 195 DLR (4th) 244 (Ont C A) ...... 502
Ashley v Canad a (Commissioner of Comp etition), 2006 FC 459 ........................ 46
Aspen Skii ng Co v Aspen Highlands Ski ing Corp, 472 US 585 (1985) .............438
Atlantic Ric hfield Co v USA Petroleum Co, 495 US 328 (1990) ........................ 487
Atlantic Sugar Refinerie s Co v Canada (Attor ney General). See R v Atlantic Sugar
Refineries Co
Bell Atlant ic Corp v Twombly, 550 US 544 (2007 ) ..............................................24
Bell Canad a v Cogeco Cable Canada GP Inc, 2016 ONSC 6044 ....................... 503
Bell Mobility Inc v Telus Commun ications Company, 2006 BCCA 578 ............501
Berg v Canad ian Hockey League, 2019 ONSC 2106 (Div Ct) ...........................352
B-Filer Inc v Ban k of Nova Scotia (2005), 44 CPR (4th) 214 (CCT) .................4 42
B-Filer Inc v Ban k of Nova Scotia, [2006] CCTD No 36 ........... 437, 440, 444, 490
B-Filer Inc v Ban k of Nova Scotia, [2007] CCTD No 32 ...................................... 62
British Columbi a (Attorney Gener al) v Canada (Attorney General),
[1937] 1 DLR 688 (UKPC) ............................................................................. 30
British Columbi a (Restr ictive Trade Pract ices Commission, Member) v
Hewison (1979), 17 BCLR 124 (SC), a’d (1982),
41 BCLR 233 (CA) ................................................................................350, 351
Broadcast Music, Inc v C BS, Inc, 441 US 1 (1979) ............................................. 3 07

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