Table of Cases

AuthorDavid C. Young
Table of Cas es
AB v Bragg Commu nications Inc, 2012 SCC 4 6 ....................................235, 237, 238
AB v CD, 2011 BCSC 775 ..................................................................................... 207
Abbotsford Sc hool District 34 B oard of School Trustee s v Shewan,
1986 CanLII 879 (BCS C), a’d (1987), 21 BCLR (2d) 93 (CA) ..................... 215, 216
Adler v Onta rio, [1996] 3 SCR 609 .....................................................86, 113, 123–24
Albert a (Education) v Canadi an Copyright Lic ensing Agency
(Access Copyrig ht), 2012 SCC 37 .....................................307, 321, 324, 326, 328
AP v MacDona ld, 2006 NLTD 24 ....................................................................... 208
Arsenau lt-Cameron v Prince Edwa rd Island, [2000] 1 SCR 3 ........................ 1 18–20
Attis v New Br unswick (School D istrict 15), [1991] NBHRBID No 1 ....................... 73
B(P) v E(RV), 2007 BCSC 1568 ............................................................................ 207
Baier v Alber ta, [2007] 2 SCR 673 ..................................................................... 210
Bain (Guard ian ad litem of) v C algary Boa rd of Education (1993),
[1994] 2 WWR 468 (Alta QB) ...................................................... 70–72, 80, 175
Bartosek v Turr et Realties Inc, 2004 Ca nLII 10051 (Ont CA) ..............................165
Bazley v Cur ry, [1999] 2 SCR 534 .................................................202, 203, 20 4, 205
Beauparlan t (Next friend of) v Appleb y Separate School Sec tion No 1,
[1955] 4 DLR 558 (Ont HCJ)...........................................................................163
Bell Technica l Solutions v Communi cations, Energy a nd Paperworkers
Union of Canad a (Facebook Postings Grie vance), [2012] OLAA No 481 ....... 211
Bethel Scho ol District No 403 v Fra ser (No 84-1667), 478 US 675 (1986) ..........130–3 1
BMG v Nova Scotia (Att orney General), 2007 NSCA 120 ................................... 205
Bonnah (Li tigation guar dian of) v Ott awa-Carleton Dist rict
School Board (2003), 64 OR (3d) 454 (CA) ............................................. 14 7, 27 7
Boudreau v Li n (1997), 150 DLR (4th) 324 (Ont Ct Gen Div) ................................. 298

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