Table of cases

AuthorRichard Moon
ProfessionFaculty of Law, University of Windsor
AC v Manitoba (Director of Chi ld and Family Services),
2009 SCC 30 ................................................................................... 71, 180, 181
Abington Township v Schempp, 374 US 203 (196 3) ............................................ 43
Adler v Ontar io, [1996] 3 SCR 609, [1999] SCJ No 110 .....19, 21, 161, 166, 171–76
Agostini v Felton, 521 US 203 (1997) .............................................................42 –43
Alberta v Hutter ian Brethren of Wilson Colony,
2009 SCC 37 ...............................x ix, 25, 68, 69, 72, 89, 94–99, 128, 132, 133
Allen v Renfre w (County) (2004), 69 OR (3d) 742,
117 CRR (2d) 280, [2004] OJ No 1231 (SCJ) ..........................................3 7, 40
Amlani v H irani, 2000 BCSC 1653 ..................................................................... 14 9
BH (Next Friend of) v A lberta (Director of Child Welfare),
2003 ABCA 109, leave to appeal to SCC ref used, [2003]
SCCA No 195 ........................................................................................180, 181
Bentley v Anglic an Synod of the Diocese of New Westmin ster,
2010 BCCA 506, leave to appeal to SCC refuse d, [2011]
SCCA No 26..................................................................................................151
Braunfeld v Brown, 366 US 59 9 (1961) ................................................................30
Brockie v Ontar io (Human Rights Commiss ion) (2002), 222 DLR
(4th) 174, 161 OAC 324, [2002] OJ No 2375 (Div Ct) ..............92, 114 –16, 118
Bruker v Marcov itz, 2007 SCC 54 ..................................xix, 142, 143, 150, 153–57
Bull and another (Appel lants) v Hall and another (Respondent s),
[2013] UKSC 73 ........................................................................................... 116
Caldwell et al v Stu art et al, [1984] 2 SCR 603 .......................................... 14 4, 169
Canadia n Civil Liberties As sn v Ontario (Minister of Educat ion) (1990),
65 DLR (4th) 1, 71 OR (2d) 341, [1990] OJ No 104 (CA) .......................33 –34

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