Table of cases

AuthorHamish Stewart
A&L Investments Ltd v O ntario (1997), 36 OR (3d) 127,
152 DLR (4th) 692, [1997] OJ No 4199 (CA) .............................................108
Abarquez v Onta rio, 2009 ONCA 374 ...........................................................4 9–50
AC v Manitoba (Director of Chi ld and Family Services),
2009 SCC 30 ...........................................................................................98, 171
Adult Entertai nment Assn of Canada v Otta wa (City),
2007 ONCA 389 .................................................................................... 25, 196
Ahmed v Canad a (Minister of Citizenship a nd Immigration), 2015 FC 792 ...... 92
Alberta (Abor iginal Affairs a nd Norther n Development) v Cunningh am,
2011 SCC 37 .............................................................................................84–85
Alberta v Hutter ian Brethren of Wilson Colony, 2009 SCC 37 ....93, 350, 363, 369
Alberta v The Ed monton Sun, 2003 ABCA 3 .......................................................40
Allen v Albert a, 2015 ABCA 277 .................................................................17 5, 182
Amnesty Inte rnational Canada v Ca nada (Canadian Forces),
2008 FC 336, aff’d 2008 FCA 4 01, leave to appeal to SCC refu sed,
[2009] 1 SCR v, [2009] SCCA No 63 ....................................................... 55, 5 8
Anns v Merton London B orough Council, [1978] AC 728 ............................. 47, 4 8
Application Under s 83.28 of the Cr iminal Code, Re,
2004 SCC 42 ...........................................................................89, 265, 266, 376
Argentina (Republic) v Melli no, [1987] 1 SCR 536, 40 DLR
(4th) 74, [1987] SCJ No 25 .................................................................... 133–3 4
Ashby v White (1703), 92 ER 126 (KB)................................................................141
Associat ion of Justice Coun sel v Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 .......83
Atawnah v C anada (Minister of Public Safet y and Emergency
Preparedne ss), 2015 FC 774, aff’d 2016 FCA 144, leave to
appeal to SCC refus ed, [2016] SCCA No 313 .............................................344
Augustus v Gos set, [1996] 3 SCR 268, 138 DLR (4th) 617,
1996 CanLII 173 .......................................................................................... 104
Australia (Commonwealt h) v Lau, 2006 BCC A 484, leave to appeal
to SCC refused, [2007] SCCA No 13 .......................................................... 332
Authorson v Canad a (AG), 2003 SCC 39 ..................................................14, 15, 16
B(K) (Litigation Guardia n of) v Toronto Distr ict School Board (2008),
290 DLR (4th) 66, 234 OAC 141, [2008] OJ No 475 (Div Ct) .......................83
B(R) v Children’s Aid Society of Metrop olitan Toronto (1994), [1995]
1 SCR 315, 122 DLR (4th) 1, [1994] SCJ No 24 ........................................76, 7 7
B010 v Canada (Citizenship and I mmigration), 2015 SCC 58 .......................... 342
Baker v Canad a (Minister of Citizenship a nd Immigration),
[1999] 2 SCR 817, 174 DLR (4th) 193,
[1999] SCJ No 39 .................................................... 8, 32, 35, 274–75, 287, 335
Baril v Obel nicki, 2007 MBCA 40 ........................................................................ 89
BC Civil Liber ties Assn v University of Victor ia, 2016 BCCA 162 ......................26
BCGEU v British Columbi a, [1988] 2 SCR 214, 53 DLR (4th) 1,
[1988] SCJ No 76 ........................................................................................... 36
Beadette v Alber ta Securities Commi ssion, 2016 ABCA 9 ................................ 162
Beals v Sal danha, 2003 SCC 72 .......................................................................... 10 6
Beauchamp v Ca nada (AG), 2009 FC 350 ............................................................60
Bedford v Canad a (AG), 2010 ONSC 4264 ..........................................................181
Begum v Can ada (Minister of Citizensh ip and Immigration),
2017 FC 409 ................................................................................................... 87
Béliveau St-Jacques v Fédérat ion des employées et employés de
service s publics inc, [1996] 2 SCR 345, 136 DLR (4th) 129,
[1996] SCJ No 70 ............................................................................................17
Bilodeau-Mas sé v Canada (Attorney General), 2017 FC 604 ............................ 276
Bivens v Six Unknow n Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of
Narcotics, 403 US 388 (1971).......................................................................141
Blank v Can ada (Minister of Justice), 2016 FCA 189 ........................................ 305
Blencoe v British Colum bia (Human Rights Commiss ion),
2000 SCC 44 ....................................................................... 70, 77, 83, 103, 105
Bliss v Can ada (AG) (1978), [1979] 1 SCR 183, 92 DLR (3d) 417,
[1978] SCJ No 81............................................................................................15
Borowski v Canad a (AG), [1989] 1 SCR 342, 57 DLR (4th) 231,
[1989] SCJ No 14 ........................................................................................... 62
Bouzari v Ir an (Islamic Republic) (2004), 71 OR (3d) 675,
243 DLR (4th) 406, [2004] OJ No 2800 (CA) ......................................... 105– 6
Boyce v Toronto (City) Police Serv ices Board, 2011 ONSC 2793 ........................44
Bracken v Fort Erie (Town), 2017 ONCA 668 ................................................... 356
British Columbi a (Attorney Genera l) v Davies, 2009 BCCA 337 ......................304
British Columbi a Securities Commiss ion v Branch, [1995] 2 SCR 3,
123 DLR (4th) 462, 1995 CanLII 142 ..........................................................266
Brown v Briti sh Columbia (Minister of Transportat ion and Highways),
[1994] 1 SCR 420, 112 DLR (4th) 1, [1994] SCJ No 20 .................................48

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