Table of cases

AuthorJamie Benidickson
114957 Canada Ltée (Spraytech, Sociét é d’arros age) v Hudson (Town),
2001 SCC 40, [2001] SCJ No 42, 200 DLR (4th) 419 .................25, 43, 77, 301
340909 Ont ario Ltd v Huron Steel Products (Wind sor) Ltd (1990),
73 OR (2d) 641 (HCJ) .................................................................................. 10 8
504174 NB Ltée (fas Choo Choo’s) c Nouveau-Bruns wick
(Ministre de l a Sécurité Publique) (2005), 279 NBR (2d) 307,
[2005] NBJ No 55, 2005 NBCA 18 .............................................................. 165
724597 Ontario Ltd, Re (1994), 13 CELR (NS) 257 (OEAB) ..................... 160, 243
724597 Ontario Ltd, Re (1995), 18 CELR (NS) 137 (Ont Div Ct),
leave to appeal ref used (11 March 1996), (Ont CA) [unreported] ..............161
Ainsley Fina ncial Corp v Ontario (Secur ities Commission) (1994),
21 OR (3d) 104, 121 DLR (4th) 79, 77 OAC 155 (CA) ................................2 14
Alberta v Suncor E nergy Inc, 2017 ABCA 221 ....................................................211
Alberta Wi lderness Assn v Alber ta (Environmental Appeal Bo ard),
2013 ABQB 44 .............................................................................................. 14 4
Alberta Wi lderness Assn v Canad a (Minister of Fisheries and Oce ans)
(1998), [1998] FCJ No 1746, [1999] 1 FC 483, 29 CELR (NS) 21 (CA) ...... 312
Alberta Wi lderness Assn v Canad a (Minister of the Environment),
2009 FC 710 ................................................................................................. 32 9
Alex Couture Inc v Piette, [1990] RJQ 1262 (CA) ...............................................171
Algonquin Wildl ands League v Ontario (Mi nister of Natural Resources),
[1998] OJ No 419, 26 CELR (NS) 163 (Div Ct), supplementary reason s
(1998), 27 CELR (NS) 218, [1998] OJ No 2035, var’d (1998),
29 CELR (NS) 31 (Ont CA), supplementary re asons (2000),
32 CELR (NS) 233 (Ont CA) ..........................................................................21
Aluminum Co of Can ada v Ontario (Minister of t he Environment)
(1986), 55 OR (2d) 522, 29 DLR (4th) 583, 19 Admin LR 192,
1 CELR (NS) 1, 25 CRR 50, 16 OAC 14 (Div Ct) ..........................................63
Assoc pour la prote ction du Lac Heney c Gestion Serge Laf reniere inc,
[2001] JQ no 1730 (SC) ................................................................................224
Baker v Ontar io (Director, Ministry of the Env ironment),
2013 ONSC 4142 ...........................................................................161, 253, 391
Baker v Ontar io (Ministry of the Envi ronment) (22 March 2013),
Case Nos 12-158 to 12-159 (Ont ERT) ..................................................152–53
Baldwin Rubbe r Recycler and Stephen Sager v Ontario (Min istry of the
Environment), [2001] OERTD No 21 ..........................................................340
Beazer Ea st Inc v British Columbia (Environment al Appeal Board),
[2000] BCJ No 2358, 36 CELR (NS) 195 (SC) ......................................24 4– 45
Beckman v L ittle Salmon/Carmack s First Nation, 2010 SCC 53 ......................36 0
Berendsen v Ont ario (2008), 34 CELR (3d) 223, 69 CLR (3d) 199,
[2008] OJ No 179 (SCJ), rev’d 2009 ONCA 845, leave to appeal
to SCC granted, [2010] SCCA No 24 ..........................................................236
Berendsen v The Quee n, 2001 SCC 55, [2001] SCJ No 57 ................................. 116
Bolduc v Bell Mobilité Cel lulaire (1994), 17 CELR (NS) 102,
[1995] RRA 578 (CQ) .................................................................................. 108
Boliden Ltd v Liber ty Mutual Insurance Co (2008), 235 OAC 126,
[2008] OJ No 1438, 2008 ONCA 28 8..........................................................389
Bow Valley Naturali sts Society v Canada, [1999] FCJ No 1422,
32 CELR (NS) 84 (TD) ................................................................................ 312
Bowen v Canada (AG) (1997), [1998] 2 FC 395, [1997] FCJ No 1526,
26 CELR (NS) 11 (TD) .................................................................................31 2
British Columbi a (Ministe r of Environment Lands and Parks) v Alpha
Manufactur ing (1996), 132 DLR (4th) 688 (BCSC), aff’d (1997),
150 DLR (4th) 193 (BCCA) ...........................................................................12
British Columbi a Hydro and Power Authority v British Columbia
(Environmenta l Appeal Board), [2005] 1 SCR 3, 12 CELR (3d) 1,
[2005] SCJ No 2 ...........................................................................................159
British Columbi a v Canadian Forest Products Ltd ,
2004 SCC 38 ..........................................................111, 121, 221, 226, 227, 315
Burns Bog Con servation Society v Canad a (Attorney Gener al,
2012 FC 1024 ............................................................................................... 315
Busse Farm s Ltd v Federal Business Development Ban k (1998),
168 DLR (4th) 27, 172 Sask R 133, [1998] SJ No 786 (CA) ......................... 232
Calvé v Gestion Ser ge Lafrenière inc, [1999] RJQ 1313,
[1999] JQ no 1334 (CA) ......................................................................... 68, 143
Cambridge Water Co Ltd v Ea stern Counties Leather Plc, [1994]
2 AC 264, [1994] 2 WLR 53, [1994] 1 All ER 53 (HL) .................................117
Canada (AG) v British Columbi a (AG), [1984] 1 SCR 388,
8 DLR (4th) 161, [1984] 4 WWR 289 ............................................................41

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