Table of cases

AuthorJoseph Rikhof/Robert J Currie
A(FC) and others (FC) v Secretary of State for the Home Dep artment,
[2004] UKHL 56 .......................................................................................... 329
Abbaye Ardenne Ca se: Trial of SS Br igadeführer Kurt Meyer, The
(1945), 4 LRTWC 97 (Can Military Ct) ...................................................... 2 74
Abu Zubaydah v Lithua nia, App No 46454/11, 31 May 2018
(Eur Ct Hum Rts) ...........................................................................................29
Acosta v Canad a (Minister of Justice), 2013 BCCA 105 ..................................... 549
AFRC Case. See Brima, Ka mara and Kanu
Agraira v C anada (Public Safety and Emergency Pre paredness),
2013 SCC 36 ................................................................................................ 319
Akayesu (ICTR-96- 4-A), Appeals Cha mber Judgment,
1 June 2001 (Int’l Crim Trib for Rwanda) .............................. 114, 155, 742– 43
Akayesu (ICTR-96- 4-T), Trial Chamber Judgment,
2 September 1998 (Int’l Crim Trib for Rwa nda) ...........111, 117, 118, 119, 120,
121, 129, 207, 312, 722
Akhbar Bei rut SAL and Ibrahim Mohamed Al i Al Amin
(STL-14-06/T/CJ), Contempt Judge Judgment,
15 July 2016 (Special Tribu nal for Lebanon) ..............................................253
Al-Ani v Cana da (Citizensh ip and Immigration), 2016 FC 30 .......................... 320
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09), Decision on the Cooperat ion of the
Democratic Republic of t he Congo Regarding
Omar Al Ba shir’s Arrest and Surrender to t he Court,
Pre-Trial Chamber II, 9 Apri l 2014 (Int’l Crim Ct) ..................................... 67 2
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09), Decision on the Prosec utor’s Request
for a Finding of Non-Complianc e Against the Republic of the Sudan,
Pre-Trial Chamber II, 9 Mar ch 2015 (Int’l Crim Ct) .................................. 672
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09-139), Decision Pursuant to Ar ticle 87(7)
of the Rome Statute on the Fai lure by the Republic of Malawi
to Comply with the Coop eration Requests Issued by the
Court with Re spect to the Arrest and Sur render of
Omar Has san Ahmad Al Bashir, Pre-Trial Cham ber I,
12 December 2011 (Int’l Crim Ct) ................................................216, 650, 672
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09-140), Decision pursuant to Art icle 87(7)
of the Rome Statute on the ref usal of the Republic of Chad to
comply with the cooper ation requests issued by the Cou rt with
respect to the a rrest and surrender of Omar H assan Ahmad Al Ba shir,
Pre-Trial Chamber I, 13 Decemb er 2011 (Int’l Crim Ct) ............................ 650
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09), Decision Under Artic le 87(7) of the
Rome Statute on the Non-Compli ance by South Africa with t he
Request by the Cour t for the Arrest and Surrender of Om ar Al Bashir,
Pre-Trial Chamber II, 6 July 2017 (Int’l Crim Ct) ............................... 672, 679
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09-397-Corr), Judgment in the Jordan Referral
re Al-Bashir App eal, Appeals Chamber, 6 May 2019
(Int’l Crim Ct) .......................................216, 646, 64 9, 650, 671, 672, 673, 674
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09), Second Decision on the Pro secution’s
Application for a Warrant of Ar rest, Pre-Trial Ch amber I,
12 July 2010 (Int’l Crim Ct) .........................................................................11 2
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09) Second Warrant of A rrest Issued by
Pre-Trial Chamber I, 12 July 2010 (Int’l Crim Ct) .................................. 3, 120
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09), Warrant of Arrest I ssued by
Pre-Trial Chamber I, 4 Marc h 2009 (Int’l Crim Ct) ............................... 3, 116
Al Bashir (ICC-02/05 -01/09), Warrant of Arrest I ssued by Pre-Trial
Chamber I, Sepa rate and Partly Dissent ing Opinion of
Judge Anita Ušack a, 4 March 2009 (Int’l Crim Ct) .................................... 118
Al Jadeed [Co] SAL/New TV S AL (NTV) and Karma Mohamed
Tahsin Al Khay at (STL-14-05/T/CJ), Contempt Judge Judgment,
18 September 2015 (Special Tribunal for Leba non) .................................... 253
Al Mahdi (ICC-01/12-01/15 A), Judgment on the appeal of t he victims
against the “Rep arations Order,” Appeals Chamber, 8 March 2018
(Int’l Crim Ct) .............................................................................................. 224
Al Mahdi (ICC-01/12-01/15), Decision on the Conf‌ir mation of Charges,
Pre-Trial Chamber I, 24 March 2016 (Int’l Crim Ct) ............176, 177, 729, 731
Al Mahdi (ICC-01/12-01/15), Trial Chamber Judg ment,
27 September 2016 (Int’l Crim Ct) .......................................................17 7, 732
Al Mahdi (ICC-01/12-01/15), Reparations Orde r, Trial Chambe r VIII,
17 August 2017 (Int’l Crim Ct) .................................................................... 2 24
Al-Megrahi v H M Advocate, Appeal No C104/01, Opinion in
Appeal again st Conviction, 14 March 2002
(Scotland Appeal Cou rt, High Court of Justiciary) .................................... 244
Al-Naib v Canad a (Public Safety a nd Emergency Preparedness),
2016 FC 723 .................................................................................................320
Al Nashiri v R omania, App No 33234/12, 31 May 2018 (Eur Ct Hum Rts) ......... 29
Table of Cases 755
Alberta (Attor ney General) v Dawson (1999), 248 AR 82, [1999]
AJ No 809, 1999 ABQB 518, leave to appeal refuse d (1999),
250 AR 165, [1999] AJ No 1332, 1999 ABCA 334, leave to appeal
to SCC refused, [1999] SCCA No 570 ................................................. 578, 579
Aleksovski (IT-95-14/1-A), Appeals Cha mber Judgment,
24 March 2000 (Int’l Cri m Trib for the former Yugoslavi a) ....... 148, 154, 155,
Aleksovski (IT-95-14/1-T), Trial Chamber Judgment,
25 June 1999 (Int’l Crim Trib for the former Yugoslav ia) .................. 180, 718
Almrei (Re), 2009 FC 1263 ................................................................................... 29
ALT Navigation Ltd v United St ates of America (2001),
207 Nf‌ld & PEIR 146, [2001] NJ No 318 (SCTD) ........................................ 576
ALT Navigation Ltd v United St ates of America (2002),
215 Nf‌ld & PEIR 1, 96 CRR (2d) 155,
[2002] NJ No 166 (SCTD) ........................................................................... 582
Ambrose Light, The, 25 F 4 08 (SDNY 1885) .......................................................341
Ammar v Ca nada (Minister of Citizen ship and Immigration),
2006 FC 1041 ...............................................................................................32 2
Amnesty Inte rnational Canada v Ca nada (Chief of the Defence Staff),
[2008] 4 FCR 546, 292 DLR (4th) 127, 2008 FC 336,
aff’d (2008), 305 DLR (4th) 741, 383 NR 268, 2008 FCA 401,
leave to appeal to SCC ref used, [2009] SCCA No 63 .........................34 0, 613
Anglo-Norwegi an Fisheries Case, [1951] ICJ Rep 116 .........................................54
Antelope, The, 23 US 66, 10 Wheat 66 (1825) .....................................................98
Application of the Convention on t he Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide (Bo snia-Herzegovina v Yugoslavia), Prelim inary
Objections, Judgment, 11 July 1996, [1996] ICJ Rep 595 ............................111
Application of the Convention on t he Prevention and
Punishment of t he Crime of Genocide (Croatia v Serbia),
[2015] ICJ Rep 3 .................................................................... 111, 115, 119, 120
Application of the Inter national Convention for the Suppression of
the Financin g of Terrorism and of t he International Convention
on the Elimin ation of All Forms of Racial Di scrimination
(Ukraine v Russi an Federation), ICJ General Li st No 166 ......................... 372
Argentina (Republic) v Melli no, [1987] 1 SCR 536, 40 DLR (4th) 74,
[1987] SCJ No 25 ................................................................................. 309, 542
Armando dos S antos (16/2001), Decision, 15 July 2003
(UNTAET Serious Cr imes Panel) ...............................................................254
Armed Activ ities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Re public
of the Congo v Uganda), [2005] ICJ Rep 168 .............................................. 14 9
Attorney General of C anada (United States of Americ a) c Fernande s,
2017 QCCS 3877, aff’d 2018 QCCA 1833 ....................................................549
Attorney General of C anada c Singh, 2018 QCCS 2187 .....................................549
Attorney-Genera l of Israel v Eichmann (1968), 36 ILR 18
(Jeru salem Dist Ct 1961), aff’d (1968), 36 ILR 277
(Israel Sup Ct 1962) .............................................................8, 73, 76, 560, 680
Attorney General of C anada v Suthanthira n, 2016 ONSC 2162 ........................579

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