Table of Legislation

AuthorRobert Chambers
Alberta L and Stewardship Act, SA 2009, c A-26.8 ..............................................147
An Act to Repeal t he Statute of Frauds, CCSM, c F158 ..............................178, 215
An Act to Repeal t he Statute of Frauds, SNB 2014, c 47 .............................178, 215
Animal Keep ers Act, SA 2005, c A-40.5 ..................................................... 105, 106
Bankrupt cy and Insolvency Act, RSC 1985, c B-3 ......................................4, 5, 102
Builders Lien Act, R SY 2002, c 18 ......................................................................10 6
Builders Lien Act, SBC 1997, c 45 ...................................................................... 106
Builders’ Lien Act, CCSM, c B91 ........................................................................ 106
Builders’ Lien Act, R SA 2000, c B-7 ...................................................................10 6
Builders’ Lien Act, R SNS 1989, c 277 .................................................................10 6
Builders’ Lien Act, S S 1984-85-86, c B -7.1 ......................................................... 106
Canadia n Charter of Rights and Freedom s, Part I of the
Constitution Act, 1982, bei ng Schedule B to the
Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c11 .............................................. 18, 19, 63–65
Commercial Lie ns Act, SS 2001, c C-15.1 .................................................. 105, 106
Community Ea sements Act, SNS 2012, c 2 .........................................................147
Companies Act 200 6 (UK) .................................................................................110
Condominium Act, 1998, SO 1998, c 19 ............................................................ 100
Condominium Act, 20 09, SNL 2009, c C-29.1 ................................................... 100
Condominium Act, CCSM, c C170 .....................................................................10 0
Condominium Act, R SBC 1996, c 64 ................................................................. 100
Condominium Act, R SNS 1989, c 85 ..................................................................10 0
Condominium Act, R SNWT 1988, c C-15 .........................................................100
Condominium Act, R SPEI 1988, c C-16 .............................................................10 0

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