Table of statutes

AuthorMark Freeman, Gibran Van Ert
Canadian Statutes (including UK statutes about Canada):
Access to Information Act ....................................................................................368
Act of Settlement 1700 (UK)................................................................................277
Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Per-
sonal Information (Que) ..............................................................................262
Act Respecting Labour Standards (Que) ..............................................................314
Act Respecting the Constitution Act 1982 (Que) ..................................................327
Act Respecting the Exercise of the Fundamental Rights and Prerogatives of the Que-
bec People and the Quebec State (Que) ........................................................293
Act Respecting the Health and Social Services Ombudsman (Que) ......................369
Act to Amend the Charter of the French Language (Que) ....................................327
Act to Amend the Geneva Conventions Act, the National Defence Act, and the Trade-
Marks Act ....................................................................................................333
Act to Amend the Indian Act ................................................................................297
Act to Amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to
other Acts ....................................................................................................251
Act to Give Effect to the Requirement for Clarity as Set Out in the Opinion of the
Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference........................293
Act to Prevent the Further Introduction of Slaves and to Limit the Term of Contracts
for Servitude within this Province 1793 (Upper Canada) ..............................11
Agricultural Employees Protection Act (Ont) ......................................................240
Alberta Bill of Rights ..................................204, 211, 219, 224, 231, 256, 258, 327
Alberta Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act ......................211, 296
Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act..........................................334
Anti-Terrorism Act ......................................................................................336, 338
British Columbia Benefits Act ..............................................................................307
Table of Statutes

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