Tensions between Value Capture and Value Slippage: The Case of Brand Communities

Date01 March 2019
AuthorBernard Cova,Bernard Paranque
Published date01 March 2019
Tensions between Value Capture and Value
Slippage: The Case of Brand Communities
Bernard Cova*
Kedge Business School
Bernard Paranque
Kedge Business School
With the development of intangibles, the issue of value cap-
ture has become of paramount importance, especially for
f‌irms that have a community of users gathered around their
brand. While the notion of utilizing communities may be ap-
pealing, transforming the relationship between f‌irms and
communities into prof‌it for the f‌irm is less obvious. The dual
challenge for f‌irms is capturing the value created by the
brand community, while avoiding any kind of value slippage
to another actor. From a re-examination of f‌ive cases of
value creation with brand communities in different indus-
tries, we delineate three assemblages of actors and episodes
manifesting value slippage, and two manifesting value cap-
ture by virtue of the attitudes and behaviours of the f‌irms
that own the brands. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published
by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: brand community, exchange value, intangible
asset, value capture, value creation, value slippage
Avec le développement des actifs intangibles, la capture de
la valeur est devenue un enjeu crucial pour les entreprises
notamment quand elles bénéf‌icient dune communauté
autour de leur marque. Bien que lidée de capitaliser sur
la communauté soit attrayante, la valorisation de cette rela-
tion nest pas évidente. Les entreprises doivent capturer la
valeur créée par la communauté et éviter quelle ne glisse
vers dautres acteurs. À partir de la relecture de cinq cas
de création de valeur par des communautés de marque dans
différentes industries, nous identif‌ions trois assemblages
dacteurs et dépisodes montrant un glissement de valeur et
deux autres traduisant une capture de la valeur en fonction
de lattitude et du comportement de lentreprise propriétaire
de la marque. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mots-clés: actif intangible, capture de valeur, création de
valeur, communauté de marque, glissement de valeur, valeur
Recent technological developments have considerably
increased the capacity of users gathered in a community to
generate new ideas and services linked to a f‌irms offers.
In turn, f‌irms understand the advantages of capturing the
value created by these intangible assets and practices for
their own benef‌it. The creative capacity of user communities
is particularly spurred when the object is a brand that arouses
fervour. Theoretically, these brand communities should be
benef‌icial for the f‌irm and yet, the value created by the brand
community can slip toward other market or non-market
actors and therefore away from the f‌irm owning the brand.
By analyzing cases of brand communities, this paper
aims to identify existing or potential slippages considering
the different assemblages of actors and episodes, and
discussing the consequences for f‌irms. In the f‌irst section,
the paper introduces the concept of value slippage in the
context of the growing importance of intangibles, such as
brands, thereafter applying this to the specif‌ic context of
brand communities. The cold cases revisitedmethodology
is detailed in the second section to analyze the tension
between actors to capture value by controlling value slip-
page. The cases are analyzed in section three, followed by
a discussion of the results and their implications.
Value Capture and Value Slippage with Intangible Assets
One of the most important economic developments of
the last decades is the growing importance of intangibles
(Arvidsson, 2011). Hidden assets or intangible resources in-
clude intellectual capital, patents, brands, or reputation,
which often relay more about the future earning capabilities
of a f‌irm than any conventional performance measure (Hall,
1992; Roos & Roos, 1997). Intangible resources have grown
thanks to the development of new information and commu-
nication technologies that enable more and more people to
*Please address correspondence to: Bernard Cova, Marketing Department,
Kedge Business School, BP 921, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France. Email:
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
36:3546 (2019)
Published online 5 March 2018 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1484
Can J Adm Sci
36(1), 3546 (2019)Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 35

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