The Portrayal of Sharia in Ontario

AuthorJames Thornback
1 AP PE AL V OL UM E 10 2005
James Thornback
There has been much attention given by the media to the
potential use of Sharia-based arbitration to resolve family
disputes in Ontario. Although this possibility has been given
both positive and negative attention, a common theme pervades
the discourse: Islam as “the Other.”
In this paper, I provide sufficient background information for the
reader to understand how Sharia-based arbitration might be used in
Ontario. Then, I review several representative newspaper articles
with three questions in mind. First, do the articles accurately
represent Sharia? Second, do the articles accurately represent the state
of the law in Ontario as it applies to arbitration in the family context?
Third, what do the articles recommend as a solution to the perceived
problem? By doing so, I show that the idea of Islam as a monolithic
entity distinct from the West still underlies the approach of many
journalists. This idea allows, or forces, these journalists to attack or
defend Sharia rather than focusing on problems in domestic law.
Only those writers who avoid conceiving of Islam as the Other
manage to present well-reasoned criticism of the law of Ontario.

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