The Securities Reference: A Comment

AuthorChristopher C Nicholls
cha pter 14
he Securities Reference:
A Comment
Christopher C Nicholls
It is old news now: the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that
the proposed Canadian Securities Act is not within the legislative
authority of Parliament, at least not under the so-called general
branch of the federal trade and commerce power in section 91(2)
of the Constitution Act, 1867.1 Yes, the Court acknowledged, “as-
pects of the securities market are national in scope and affect the
country as a whole.”2 But the reach of the proposed Act was not
1 Reference Re Securities Act, 2011 SCC 66 [Securities R eference]. The notion
that the s 91(2) trade and commerce power comprised two “branches” was
 
Citizens Insurance Co of Canada v Parsons
2 Securities Reference, ibid at para 6 [emphasis added]. As the Court put
it, “Parliament cannot regulate the whole of the securities system simply
because aspects of it have a national dimension”: ibid at para 7. In par-
ticular, the Court seemed to object to the attempt by the federal govern-
ment to regulate the “day-to-day” operations of securities issuers and
sellers. The phrase “day-to-day” appears six times in the judgment. The
legislation, provisions “aimed at management of systemic risk and at na-
tional data collection”: ibid at para 117. “A federal scheme aimed at such
matters,” the Court later suggests, “might well be qualitatively different
from what the provinces, acting alone or in concert, could achieve”: ibid
at para 121. See also ibid -
acterized the federal government’s argument in this way: the securities
markets have evolved. They are now national markets, and so must be
regulated by a national regulator. The Court seemed to accept that some
aspects of securities markets were truly national in nature. But that was
not enough.

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