The Use of Matrix Settlements in Canadian Class Actions

AuthorSara J Erskine
Sara J Erskine
Abstract: This paper considers the m atrix di stribution model
for class act ion settlements for deter mining compen sation lev-
els for complex class actions where cl aimants h ave varying
degrees of loss or dam age. Matrix sett lement agreements can
be an eff‌icient and effective way of adm inisteri ng settlements
for complex class actions where cla ss members have suffere d
varying deg rees of damage or loss. This paper exami nes three
Canadian cl ass action settlement s in Parsons v Canadian Red
Cross Society, Wilson v Servier Canad a Inc, and Baxter v The At-
torney Gene ral of Canada, which have used the m atrix model
to structure and administer sett lements. The eff‌iciency and
effectiveness of a matr ix settlement is dependent upon a care-
fully drafted matrix t hat def‌ines as ma ny different levels and
categories as there are compe nsable damages. Thi s provides
a level of transparenc y to the claim s regarding the amount
of compensation awarded to indiv idual class me mbers. This
paper also considers t he need to appoint an exper ienced
claims adm inistrator w ith the requisite ex pertise to apply
the matri x and make determi nations regarding a c laimant’s
eligibility for compens ation, as well as the role of counsel i n
the admini stration of claims. As the jurispr udence continues
to develop in Canada regard ing the approval of class act ion
settlements, we should expect to see more commentary and
direction from the court rega rding the use of mat rix settle-
ments, claims ad ministr ation, and the role of counsel in the
administration process.

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