The War on Terrorism

AuthorDavid M. Tanovich
The War on Terrorism
On November 7, 2001, the United States president, George W.
Bush, spoke to the nation about the need to stop terrorist f‌inanc-
ing. He announced that he had named sixty-two individuals and
organizations that were, in his words, “quartermasters of terror.”
The next morning Liban Hussein, a thirty-one-year-old Somali-
Canadian, discovered that both he and his money-transfer com-
pany, Barakaat North America, which had off‌ices in Dorchester,
Massachusetts, and Ottawa, had been listed by Bush on a terrorist
f‌inancing list.1 The Canadia n government and the United Nations
Security Council immediately followed suit. One month earlier
Canada had adopted the United Nations Suppression of Terrorism
Regulations, which created a Canadian list of entities and individ-
uals with suspected ter rorist ties and made it an offence to engage
in f‌inancial transact ions with listed targets.2
With civil war destroying the ex isting Somali banking sys-
tem, money transfer companies, or hawalas, provide an impor-
tant means for family members to send money back to Somalia.3
Suddenly it was a crime to do business with Hussein, his bank
account was frozen, he was charged, and he was subjected to ex-

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