Thesis Survey/Recension des theses.

  1. Doctoral Theses / Theses de doctorat

    Abughanm, Saad. The Protection of Pharmaceutical Patents and Data under TRIPS and US-Jordan FTA: Exploring the Limits of Obligations and Flexibilities: A Study of the Impacts on the Pharmaceutical Sector in Jordan, University of Toronto.

    Adusei, Poku. Pharmaceutical Patent Protection and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Laws, Institutions, Practices and Politics, McGill University.

    Agbodjan Prince, Herve. Le droit de l'OMC et l'agriculture : Analyse critique et prospective du systeme de regulation des subventions agricoles, Universite Laval.

    Alvez Marin, Amaya. Chilean Judges Under Democratic Rule: Proportionality Analysis and Constitutional Rights, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Buckner-Inniss, Lolita. Sisters Underneath their Skins: Theorizing Maternal Performativity in Legal Discourses of White Women's Race-Involved Child Custody Disputes in the United States, 1941-2004, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Doldirina, Catherine. The Common Good and Access to Remote Sensing Data, McGill University.

    Dufour, Genevieve. L'organisation juridique des publicains sous la Republique romaine, Universite de Montreal.

    Fakhri, Michael. The Making of International Trade Law: Sugar, Development and International Institutions, University of Toronto.

    Fathally, Jabeur. Les principes du droit international musulman et la protection des populations civiles en cas de conflits armes: De la binarite guerriere au Droit de Geneve. Histoire d'une convergence, Universite d'Ottawa.

    Graben, Sari. Co-Management: The Legal Impact of Participatory Governance on Administrative Decision-making in the Mackenzie Valley, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Hajihosseini, Fatemeh. Feminist Narratives on Islamic Law: An Alternative Approach, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Kibugi, Robert. Governing Land Use in Kenya: From Sectoral Fragmentation to Sustainable Integration of Law and Policy, University of Ottawa.

    Lacroix, Marieve. L'illiceite--Essai theorique et comparatif en matiere de responsabilite civile extracontractuelle pour le fait personnel, Universite Laval.

    Le Borgne, Francois. Les memorandums d'entente sur le controle des navires par l'Etat portuaire comme mecanisme de renforcement de la securite maritime : Une approche prometteuse du transgouvernementalisme, Universite de Montreal.

    Libman, Eric. Regulatory Offences and Principles of Sentencing: Is the "Patchwork Quilt" in Need of Reshaping and Reform?, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Lopez Cuellar, Nelcy. State Legal Pluralism: Between Conflict and Dialogue Insights from a Colombian Case, McGill University.

    McMorrow, Thomas Bernard. Critical to What? Legal for Whom? Examining the Implications of a Critical Legal Pluralism for Re-Imagining the Role of High School Students in Education Law, McGill University.

    Onguene Onana, Dieudonne Edouard. La qualification d'investissement etranger. Contribution a la notion juridique d'investissement et a la definition de l'extraneite, Universite Laval.

    Ozsu, Umut. Fabricating Fidelity: Nation-Building, International Law, and the GreekTurkish Population Exchange, University of Toronto.

    Prabhu, Mohan. Efficacy of Administrative Monetary Penalties in Compelling Compliance with Federal Agri-food Statutes, University of Ottawa.

    Sanni Yaya, Mouhamadou. Le droit de l'OHADA face au commerce electronique, Universite de Montreal.

    Savard, Anne-Marie. Le regime contemporain du droit de la filiation au Quebec ; d'une normativite institutionnelle a une normativite >, Universite Laval.

    Shilton, Elizabeth. Gifts or Rights? A Legal History of Employment Pension Plans in Canada, University of Toronto.

    Sripati, Vijayashri. United Nations Constitutional Assistance (UNCA): A TWAIL Perspective, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Studin, Irvin. Constitution and Strategy: Understanding Canadian Power in the World, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Tabi Tabi, Ghislain. Les nouveaux instruments de gestion du processus contractuel, Universite Laval.

    Theriault, Leah. A User Innovation Theory of the Numerus Clausus, University of Toronto.

    Tomkowicz, Robert. Crossing the Boundaries: Overlaps of Intellectual Property Rights, University of Ottawa.

    Vasudev, Palladam. Strengthening the Stakeholder Principle: The Path of Corporate Law, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Vedrine, Claire. Protection internationale de l'environnement et droit fiscal, Universite d'Ottawa.

    Villanueva, Francisco. Le recours a des mesures restrictives du commerce international par l'Etat canadien comme moyen de lutte contre le travail dangereux des enfants, Universite de Montreal.

    Widell, Jonathan. Jacques Verges, Devil's Advocat: A Psychohistory of Verges' Judicial Strategy, McGill University.

    Wilks, Stephen. Swimming in the Crosscurrents: Rethinking the Dynamics of Remittance Regulation Within the Regulatory Dialectic of Networked Global Governance, Osgoode Hall Law School.

  2. Master's Theses / Memoires de maitrise

    Abraham, Shalomi. Hedge Funds and Systemic Risk: A Modest Proposal, University of Toronto.

    Acholonu, Kodizie. Constitutional Approaches to Resource Control in Oil Producing Federations, University of Toronto.

    Aganaba, Timiebi. Towards Space Sustainability: Lessons from Environmental Liability Regimes, McGill University.

    Al Abdullah, Racha. Contextualizing Torture in Afghanistan: Indifferent Attitudes, Identity, Norms and Space, Carleton University.

    Alaeddini, Mohammadreza. Cyberspace: The Gated Public Sphere, University of Toronto.

    Alzubairi, Fatemah, Kuwait and Bahrain's Anti-Terrorism Laws in Comparative and International Perspective, University of Toronto.

    Anderson, Andrea. The Silent Injustice in Wrongful Convictions in Canada: Is Race a Factor in Convicting the Innocent?, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Asiedu-Akrofi, Harvey. Chinese Influence on the African "Resource Curse", University of Toronto.

    Bahati Muanira, Serge. La resolution pacifique des conflits internationaux sous la Charte des Nations-Unies : Une analyse juridique et operationnelle des missions de maintien de paix de l'ONU, Universite Laval.

    Bahk, Sarom...

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