Toward A New Model For Firm Internationalization: Conservative, Predictable, and Pacemaker Companies and Markets

AuthorJustin Paul,Rosarito Sánchez‐Morcilio
Published date01 September 2019
Date01 September 2019
Toward A New Model For Firm
Internationalization: Conservative, Predictable,
and Pacemaker Companies and Markets
Justin Paul*
University of Puerto Rico
Rosarito Sánchez-Morcilio
University of Puerto Rico
Through this article we develop a new model for the interna-
tionalization of f‌irms, called the Conservative, Predictable
and Pacemaker (CPP) model, for extending research in the
domain of international business. The main purpose is to pro-
vide a new typology that can be used as a theoretical lens for
future research and to motivate researchers to think beyond
the established models, which are repeatedly used in many
studies. This article is based on primary data collected from
f‌irms in the information technology sector in Puerto Rico.
The CPP model may be useful for industry analysis and
research dealing with the growth and internationalization
of f‌irms across industries and countries. © 2018 ASAC.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: Internationalization, conservatives, predictable
market, pacemakers
Dans cet article, nous élaborons un nouveau modèle pour
linternationalisation des entreprises appelé le modèle Con-
servative, Predictable, and Pacemaker(modèle CPP), dans
le souci de contribuer à la recherche en commerce interna-
tional. Lobjectif principal est de fournir une nouvelle
typologie capable de servir de grille théorique dans les
recherches futures et dencourager les chercheurs à penser
au-delà des modèles établis quon retrouve dans de
nombreuses études. Larticle est basé sur des données
primaires recueillies auprès dentreprises du secteur des
technologies de linformation à Porto Rico. Le modèle CPP
peut être utile pour lanalyse de lindustrie et pour la
recherche sur la croissance et linternationalisation des
entreprises dans toutes les industries et dans tous les pays.
© 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mots-clés: internationalisation, conservateurs, marché
prévisible, stimulateurs cardiaques
Globalization, in terms of a balanced geographic
distribution of sales, ref‌lects a special, and rather unusual,
outcome of doing international business (IB). Traditionally,
scholars have focused on the organization of economic
activities, and less on the characteristics of regions
(Beugelsdijk, McCann, & Mudambi, 2010). The body of
international business literature is growing, and, while
notable contributions toward a theoretical and methodologi-
cal integration are evident, the f‌ield is potentially fragmented
and suffering from theoretical paucity (Jones, Coviello, &
Tang, 2011; Paul, Parthasarathy, & Gupta, 2017).
Internationalization constitutes an important form of or-
ganizational transformation for local f‌irms (Chittoor, Sarkar,
Ray, & Aulakh, 2009; Papadopoulos, Chen, & Thomas,
2002). Many of the worlds largest f‌irms are not global,
but regionally based in terms of market coverage breadth
and depth. Such regional concentration of sales has impor-
tant implications for various strands of mainstream research
(Rugman & Verbeke, 2004). Theoretical frameworks such
as the Uppsala model explain the process of internationaliza-
tion (Johanson & Vahlne, 1977, 2009), while the Born
[Correction added on 27 July 2018, after f‌irst online publication: The name
of the co-author has been updated]
The authors would like to thank the journals editorial team, including the
anonymous reviewers, associate editor,and editor-in-chief, for their valuable
and constructive comments on this article. Detailed and extensive comments
from Professor Masaki Kotabe (Temple University, USA, and Visiting Pro-
fessor, University of Puerto Rico), helped us in many ways. Feedback from
Professors Luciano Cirevegna (Kings College, London), Jay Anand (Ohio
State University), Eric Mas (University of North Texas), Heather Hughes
(USA), Apoorva Ghosh (New Delhi), and the reviewers of Academy of In-
ternational Business 2017 Conference (Dubai) were also useful in improv-
ing the quality of the manuscript. We also acknowledge the funding
received from University of Puerto Rico for conducting this study.
*Please address correspondence to: Justin Paul, Professor, Graduate School
of Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico, PO Box 23332, Rio
Piedras, Puerto Rico, PR, 00931, USA. Email:
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
36: 336349 (2019)
Published online 11 July 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1512
Can J Adm Sci
36(3), 336349 (2019)© 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 336

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