Various Cannabinoids and Related Compounds

AuthorJames G. Wigmore
Various Cannabinoids and Related
There has been a worldwide increase in the potency of botanical can-
nabis, such as mar ijuana and hashish (, , , ), which
has caused increases i n public health risks such as driving under the
inf‌luence of cannabis (DUIC) and psychological health problems. Since
live marijuana pla nts are  percent water, seized samples by the police
may decrease in weight by up to  percent as it dries out at ambient
temperatures () , and does not necessarily mean that t he police
were sampling the seized plants. Stored cann abis will also decrease in
THC concentration if exposed to sunlight or oxygen (). Marijuana
is a highly variable plant and the total cann abinoid content of seven
identical plants grown beside each other under controlled indoor grow-
ing conditions ranged from  to  percent ().
Botanical ca nnabis contains many other volatile compounds, but
the main distinction between cannabis a nd other related plants such
as hops is the presence of THC and CBN (, , ). Mature,
budding cannabis plant s have a stronger odour than non-mature plants
and are the easiest dr ug to detect by drug-sning dogs, such as German
Shepherd s (, ).
Reference Number: 80101
, ., . , .. ,  .. . “Dif‌fer-
entiation of Marijuana Headspace Volatiles from Other Plants and
Hemp Products Using Capillary Micro-Extraction of Volatiles (CMV)
Chapter 8: Various Cannabinoids and Related Compounds
Reference Number: 
Coupled to Gas-Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).” For-
ensic Chemistry, : –,  ( tables,  f‌igures,  references)
Abstract: Currently the main method of illicit drug detection is by
trained drug-sni ng canines. A new method to detect illicit drugs such
as marijuan a was developed to identify small qua ntities of drugs in a large
space. A capillary m icro-extraction of volatiles (CMV) pre-concentrates
the volatiles in the air with in minutes, which can then be analyzed by a
GC-MS. Whole hop leaf, hemp paper, hemp f‌ibres, ropes, seeds, a cigar,
and marijuan a samples were analyzed by this system. Of all the sa mples
analyzed, hops showed the most simila r volatile emissions to cannabis,
although THC was not detected in hops. Of the sixteen volati les found
in the headspace of cannabis samples, only alpha-santalene, valencene,
beta-bisabolene, and in some cases THC and cann abinol were detected
and specif‌ic to the mar ijuana sample.
Table: Comparison of Major Volatile Organic Compounds
Detected in Marijuana and Other Related Plants.*
Alpha Pinene
Beta Pinene
Beta Myrcene
Beta Linalool
Marijuana X X X X X X X X X
US Northern Brewer Hops XXXXX X
Whole sterilized hemp seeds X X X
Handmade hemp paper
Hemp rope
Cigar (tobacco) X
Tex as S age X X
Oakleaf Fig X
St. Augustine Gra ss X X
* X = Detected.
Source: Adapted from Wiebelh aus et al, 
The capillary micro-ex tractor of volatiles (CMV) was found to be a vi-
able complement to canine detection of illicit drug s, specif‌ically mari-
juana. Its ability to collect trace amount s of volatile compounds within
a short (approximately one minute) extraction time facilitates the d e-
velopment of a technique for f‌ield testing for the presence of mar ijuana
plants. The CMV was shown as a suitabl e investigative tool and it was
Wigmore on Cannabis
Reference Number: 
also found that such a device could detect a collection of volatile com-
pounds that are characteristic to marijuana pla nts. These identif‌ied
compounds provide marijuana a distinct chemic al signature that can
be compared to other samples. In order to determine that the vola-
tile compounds identif‌ied are unique to marijuana he adspace, a more
diverse set of samples must be collected and a nalyzed. This will help
establish a collective chemical prof‌ile of mari juana that may be used for
comparisons. A database can then be created an d utilized for detecting
marijuana in multiple environments through u se of the CMV sampling.
Reference Number: 80102
, .., .. , . ,  .. . “Development and Valid-
ation of a Reliable and Robust Method for the Analysis of Cannabin-
oids and Terpenes in Cannabis.” Journal of the Association of Ocial
Agricultural Chemists International, : –,  ( tables,  f‌ig-
ures,  references)
Abstract: As of , there have been over  dif‌ferent chemical com-
pounds found in the cannabis pla nt, of which  are terpenoids. To
analyze the cannabinoids and terpenes in dr ied plant material, approxi-
mately  to  grams of the mar ijuana f‌lower or bud is homogenized in a
stainless-steel cof‌fee grinder and  mg of the grounds are placed in
a centrifuge tube with . mm of zirconia beads. Reagent grade etha-
nol, -biphenyl carboxylic acid (BPCA), and nonane (internal standard)
are added and the sample is centrifuged twice. The extract is analyzed
for cannabinoids using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
with a diode array detector. HPLC is preferred for cannabinoids to pre-
vent degradation during analysis. The terpenes are measured using a
Gas Chromatograph (GC) with a f‌la me ionization detector. Cannabis is
a highly variable plant and the cannabinoid content of the f‌lowers is
very inhomogeneous. In one study of seven identical cannabis plants
that were grown indoors beside each other, the range of total canna-
binoids was from  to  percent w/w, and the total terpenes from .
to . percent. This variability is the reason why some medical ma ri-
juana manufacturers make extracts to ensure a more uniform product.
The variation in THC within the plant is greater than the variability
between plants.

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