Why We Love to Hate Lawyers

AuthorDean Jobb
Why We Love to Hate Lawyers
dean Jobb
  to a mathematician with a simple question: What does two
plus two equal? The mat hematician does a quick ca lculation on a black-
board and comes up with the ans wer: four. Not satisf‌ied with the response,
the man consults a n engineer, who f‌iddles with a slide rule for a few mo-
ments and then of‌fers the same ans wer: four.
Still not satisf‌ied, the m an poses the same question to a lawyer: “Wh at
is two plus two?” The law yer thinks for a moment, lean s toward the man
and whispers, “W hat would you like it to be?”1
I know, I know—another lawyer joke. How cold was it last week? It was
so cold, I saw several lawyers with their hands in their own pockets. Why don’t
sharks bite lawyers? Professional courte sy. What do you call a hundred law-
yers at the bottom of the ocean? A start. W hat’s wrong with lawyer jokes?
Lawyers don’t think they’re funny, and nobody else thinks they’re jokes.
But unlike most lawyer jokes, the m athematical one may captu re the
essence of why so many people don’t seem to like or trust lawyers—and
love to tell jokes at their expense. The punchl ine cuts to the heart of what
lawyers do. They solve problems for clients, even when the odds or the
1 This joke shou ld be credited to Warren Perri n, a lawyer and Acadi an descendant
from Erath, L ouisiana, who led the d rive for an ocial apolog y for the deportation
of the Acadia ns. He told it to open an address to t he Day of Ref‌lection markin g the
250th anniversa ry of Acadian depor tation at the Grand-Pré Nat ional Historic Site,
Grand-Pré, Nova Scot ia, 29 July 2005.

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