Northern College driller helpers in demand: diamond driller program seeing resurgence after industry slump.

AuthorRoss, Ian

Rose-Lyne D'Aoust-Messier is seeing the subtle signs that the mineral exploration sector is on the rebound.

The training consultant at Northern College is seeing renewed interest from drilling contractors who are looking to scoop up past and current graduates from the college's diamond driller assistant common core program.

"It's really exciting to see that happen again. I never thought I would see it again in my work life," said D'Aoust-Messier.

Due to industry demand, the college announced in late August that seats were open to its 10-week driller's helper program, the second offering this calendar year.

"We're starting back up, running two programs a year," said D'Aoust-Messier.

"If the demand is there, we will be putting on a winter program. We haven't had three in a while." When the exploration industry has been at its peak, Northern ran the program three times annually --the last time being in 2010 --before it slipped to once a year as global mineral prices began to tank.

But instead of placing the program on hiatus, the college was urged by their industry partners to keep it going.

"They were asking us to continue even if we had a small group of six and eight students. We can accommodate up to 12," said D'Aoust-Messier.

"If the direction was to put it in abeyance, we would've done so. We didn't, we maintained it."

After past industry slumps, contractors were able to recall their drillers and helpers.

"This time, no one's standing. Many are in their 60s and not interested in doing hard, physical labour."

But the demand for labour remains as contractors contact her, looking to track down graduates or inquire if they can provide student placements.


"That's a very clear indication that there's a need out there," said D'Aoust-Messier.

"I've been speaking with manufacturers calling us to ask if they can provide us with up-to-date, state-of-the-art equipment and trainers to come onto the site. When you hear that you know there's something brewing."

Most of the training takes place at the former Toburn Mine in Kirkland Lake, just a stone's throw from the campus.

After offering only surface training, the program curriculum has been rejigged to provide an underground experience.

Alamos Gold has stepped up to allow Northern's trainers and students to go below ground at the Young-Davidson Mine in Matachewan to teach some of the modules in a special training area.

"It's actually a real good opportunity to gauge if they're...

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