
AuthorTimothy Hadwen - David Strang - Leonard Marvy - Don Eady
ProfessionDirector, Legal Services Branch, Ontario Ministry of Labour - Associate Director, Management Board Secretariat - Solicitor, Ontario Labour Relations Board - Partner, Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP
ere is a community of people concerned w ith the employment and labour law
governing Ontario’s public service and desig nated Crown agencies, and it is our
hope that this book w ill be useful to t hem. Quite a number of the members of this
community have contributed in one way or another to th is book, and the authors
are very gratefu l to them.
Several people were prepared to invest some of their considerable expertise
in much appreciated written contribut ions on particular topics: Craig Flood (oc-
cupational healt h and safety); Murray Gold (OPS pensions); Felix Lau (PSPP);
Gavin Leeb (“reasonable eort s” and interim relief at the GSB); Victoria Reaume
(pay equity); and Cameron Walker (job securit y under the OPSEU/MBS collec-
tive agreement). A number of people provided constructive comments on all or
part of the manuscr ipt: Richard Blair, Ron Davis, Jim Gi lbert, Robin Gordon,
John Hadwen, Gavin Leeb, Lisa McCa skell, Stephen Patterson, Ian Roland, Dean
Samaras, Ba rry Sca nlon, Paul Schabas, Ka ren Schucher, Susan Stewart, Ken
Swan, Janet Wright, and others. e project wa s supported by Susan Stewar t,
Chair of the GSB; Bil l Kaplan; and Owen Shime. e law rms of Kosk ie Minsky,
Paliare Roland , and Ryder Wright have provided funding and/or person power
whenever requested, and we than k them for being generous benefactors.
Painstak ing research, se ction dra ing, and cite-check ing assista nce was
provided by Je Conway, Chris Essert, Emi ly Lawrence, Ariel Liebowitz, Sidney
Peters, Sheila Riddell, Joel Schwart z, Lisa Stam, Maryth Yachnin, and especi ally
Ken Hurlbut. anks al so to Caroline Goodw in, Registr ar, and the sta at the
GSB for retrieving mater ial from their records . Particu lar mention should be
made of Alison Colvin, for g uiding the legi slative history; A nnie Keung, OP-
SEU’s libraria n, for her many form s of help; and the late George R ichards, for
sharing his own book materi al. Administrative assista nce was provided by Cora
Calix terio and Lorraine Dougla s. Lori Dileo put the whole manuscr ipt together,
a complicated and lengthy ta sk, and we thank her for her thoughtfu l and tireless
work. We also wish to than k Je Miller and the team at Ir win Law, and our editor
Janet MacMilla n, for their patience and their care while worki ng to deadline.
e authors engaged in a good deal of hea lthy debate about some of the con-
tent of this book, but the result is a joint eor t to accurately state the Ontario law
as of June . Tim Hadwen was the origin ator and project manager. He also had

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