
AuthorJulien D. Payne, Marilyn A. Payne
 
Section () of the Divorce Act provides that “appellate court,” in respect of an appeal f rom
a court, means the cour t exercising appellate jurisdiction with respec t to that appeal. is
def‌inition is relevant to the operation of sections  and () of the Act. An exami nation
of the aforementioned provisions indic ates that the determ ination of the appropriate ap-
pellate court and the procedure applicable on appeals has be en delegated to the provinces.
Although section  of the Co nstitut ion Act,  bind s both the Parliament of Canada and
the provincial legislatu res and precludes any appel late jurisd iction in divorce proc eedings
being exercised by tribunal s other than those presided over by federally appointed judges,
some f‌lexibility exis ts for the provinces to select t he appropriate appellate court in exercis-
ing their legislative jurisdiction over the administration of justice. e composition of the
appellate court could also va ry according to whether the appeal is in respect of a n interim
order or a permanent order for coroll ary relief.
Section () of the Divorce Act confers a general right to appeal from any judgment or order,
whether f‌inal or interim, made pursuant to t he Act. Sections (), (), and (), however, im-
pose restrictions on the right of appeal, wh ich vary according to whether the appeal relates
to the judgment qua marital status or to interim or f‌inal corollary orders. A non-party is
not entitled to appea l.
Pursuant to sections (), (), (), and () of the Divorce Act, no appeal lies from a judg-
ment granting a divorce once the time f‌ixed by law for instit uting an appeal has expired,
As to the provinci al power of a trial judge to reser ve or refer matters to an appellate cour t, see Arnold v.
Arnold (–),  N.S.R.  (C.A.); Iantsis v. Papatheo dorou (),  R.F.L.  (Ont. C. A.).

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