Contract out for event success.

AuthorDoyan, Yves

It's been said that success is in the details. Nowhere is that more true than when planning a corporate event. Every little detail leaves an impression. A professional planning team can handle every facet of your event. Consider the following hints when hiring an event planner:


Base preliminary logistical decisions on your budget: number of guests, atmosphere, location, date and time, food and degree of formality.

List those tasks you want taken off your shoulders. A pro can plan budgets, rent equipment, scout venues, hire and manage live music, and more.

Consult local wedding and business reference guides and ask for referrals.

Interview likely prospects. To find out if they're experienced in the kind of event you're throwing, ask how many events they've produced, what kind, for what size group, and what details made these events special. Discuss what aspects of your event they will assume control over.

Discuss whether you will be billed by the hour, by the event or as a...

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