Federal Oversight over Drugs and an Overview of the Food and Drugs Act

AuthorT. Nessim Abu-Zahra/Simon Carvalho/David Edwards
Federal Oversight over Drugs and an
Overview of the Food and Drugs Act
e federal government’s jurisdiction to enact the Food and Drugs Act is based
on the Constitution Act, 1867. is Act does not contain explicit references
to drugs or health. However, section () of the Act gives the federal
Parliament jurisdiction over criminal law. e protection of the public from
potentially harmful products, including drugs, is an area of legislation that
the courts have conrmed falls within the criminal law head of power. For
example, in RJR-MacDonald Inc v Canada (Attorney General), the Supreme
Court of Canada held that the regulation of tobacco products is a valid
exercise of the criminal law.
is jurisdictional question was also considered in other cases. In Ref-
erence re Validity of Section 5(a) Dairy Industry Act, the Supreme Court of
Canada held that the protection of health is a valid exercise of the criminal
law power. In R v Wetmore, the Court addressed whether the federal attor-
ney general was entitled to prosecute violations of the Food and Drugs Act
(FDA) and found that the protection of food and other products from
adulteration, and the enforcement of product standards, was a valid criminal
(UK),  &  Vict, c , reprinted in RSC , Appendix II, No .
[]  SCR .
[] SCR .
[]  SCR .
RSC , c F-.

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