How to select a personal mini storage unit.


It is a universally accepted fact that, within business and industry communities, one can never have too much storage space. Since "too much" is out of the realm of possibility, the question then becomes, "How much is enough?" That answer may vary from year to year, and from one contract to the next.

Flexibility is a key component

A flexible solution may provide the only workable answer. Before committing to the purchase of a free-standing structure, there are several factors that need to be assessed:

How much extra square footage do you need right now? Will that total square footage change in the foreseeable future? By how much? What will the building be used for? Does your storage facility need to be on site? Will that location be permanent?

Based on the answers to these questions, you can begin to analyse the relative importance of flexibility, in terms of size, cost, application and/or location.

If you do not foresee the need for expanded storage or change of location, you may want to consider purchasing an old freight container, available in one size (18 X 30 feet). They are delivered to your business property, and lowered into position by crane. These are secure and solid structures that do not require a building permit, and only need to be painted approximately once every five years.

Another option is a personal mini storage unit, constructed of aluminium-coated, heavy 22-gauge steel. You can assemble them yourself, which eliminates the cost of a contractor.

These units offer...

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