
AuthorJohn D. McCamus
ProfessionProfessor of Law. Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Acceptance of offer s, 52–67
battle of the form s, 59–67, 69
communicat ion of offers, 67–82
counteroffers, reject ions and failed
accepta nce, 52–59
instant aneous communicati ons,
76– 82
postal accept ance rule, 73–76
revocation of offers, 74, 82–89
silence as accept ance, 68–73
timeliness and, 57–59
Act for the Prevention of Fraud s and Per-
juries, An see Statute of Frauds
Act Respecting Cha mperty, An, 441, 444
Actual undue in f‌luence, 384–385
Addis v. Gramaphone Co. ca se, 799
Aff‌irmat ion of transaction in mi srepre-
sentation, 342–343
Agreement execut ion in misrepresenta-
tion, 343–345
conditiona l, 4, 672–68 8
oral, 160, 168, 174, 175, 187, 194, 195,
197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204
partly ora l and written, 160
standard for m, 182–183, 192
written, 1, 3, 160–208
Agreements cont rary to public policy at
common law, 430–459
agreements facilitating immoral con-
duct or undermin ing marriage,
agreements to com mit an unlawful
act: crime, tor t, defrauding third
par ties, 430 –432
agreements un dermining other state
interests, 444–447
agreements un dermining the admi n-
istration of just ice, 438–444
covenants in re straint of trade,
447– 459
Kingshott v. Brunskill cas e, 432
Agreements to ag ree, 101–104, 117, 141,
Agreements to t ransfer interests in l and
and frust ration, 591–596
leases a nd, 591–593
sale of land and, 593 –596
Ambiguous agreement s, 498–504
consensu s ad idem and, 498, 499, 500
American Cyanimid Co. v. Ethicon Ltd.
cas e, 955
Anns test, 15 4
Anticipator y repudiation, 4, 651–671
doctrine of, 653, 654, 656
elements of, 655– 658
Highway Properties Ltd. v. Kelly Doug-
las & Co. Ltd. case, 664– 665
Hochster v. De La Tour case, 652
loss mitigat ion in, 668
remedy of specif‌ic p erformance and,
669, 670
resciss ion and, 661
right to aff‌ir m, 654, 665–670
right to aff‌ir m vs. waiver of proposed
breach, 666
right to dis aff‌irm, 654, 658–665, 666,
667, 670
White & Carter (Councils) Ltd. v. Mc-
Gregor case, 667, 668, 669, 670
Anticompetitive practices, see Covenants
in restra int of trade
Assignment of contractual r ights
third-par ty benef‌iciaries a nd, 306–
Assumpsit, 16 0, 163
Attorney General v. Blake case, 972, 973,
974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979
negotiations an d offers and, 47–48
without reser ve, 48
Baggots Brass Beds Ltd . v. Neal Leasing
Inc. case, 797, 798
Baily v. De Crespigny cas e, 574
Bain v. Fothergill case, 820 –821, 822,
Balfour v. Balfour ca se, 129–130, 133
Bank of British Columbia v. Wren cas e,
333, 334, 335
Banque Bruss els Lambert SA v. Austral-
ian National Indu stries Ltd. case,
122–123, 124
Barclays Bank plc v. O’Brien case , 399,
Bargain the ory, 27, 212, 214–232
cert ainty, 218–219
charit able subscriptions, 228 –231
def‌inition of con sideration, 214–219
f‌irm offers, 219–220
forbearance, 226–228
Hamer v. Sidway ca se, 217
illusor y consideration, 220–221
implied consideration, 221–222
manufactur ers’ warranties, 231–232
nominal con sideration, 223–226
peppercorn theory, 222–223
Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon cas e,
Bargaini ng in good faith, 2, 137–159
Anns test, 15 4
certaint y of terms, 141–143
conduct of tendering pro cess, 147–
151, 156, 157
fair and equ al treatment, 148–151
Martel Building Ltd. v. Canada c ase,
153, 155, 157
non-disclo sure as misrepresent ation,
options to renew lea ses, 144–147,
153, 157
when there is no contr act yet, 151
156, 157
Barnett v. Harriso n case, 619
Battle of the form s
acceptance of offer s and, 59–67, 69
Uniform Commercial Code (U .C.C.)
Section 2-207 and, 63– 67
Beaufort Realties 1964 Inc. v. Belcourt
Construction Ottawa Ltd. case, 767,
Behnke v. Bede Shipping Co. ca se, 919 –
Bell v. Lever Brothers Ltd. ca se, 530–531,
534, 535, 536, 541, 542, 544, 545,
547, 549, 551, 552n, 553
Bettini v. Gye case , 622–62 3
BG Checo Interna tional Ltd. v. British
Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
cas e, 700
B.G. Linton Construction L td. v. C.N.R.
Co. ca se, 765
Bigos v. Bousted case, 473
Bilateral cont ract, 68, 70, 86, 88, 215,
def‌inition of, 32
Blue pencil test, 450, 483, 48 8, 489, 490
Boomer v. Muir case , 970–971
Boone v. Eyre case , 621–622
Bowmakers Ltd . v. Barnet Instr uments
Ltd. ca se, 478, 479
Brinkibon Ltd. v. Stahag Sta hl Und
Stahlwarenhandelsgesellchaft mbH
case, 78, 79, 80, 81

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