
AuthorDavid Kerzner, David W. Chodikoff
Administrative procedures for EOI
Canada, 238–39
United States, 239– 42
Advisory Pa nel on Canada’s System of
Internationa l Taxation, 191
Agreeme nt on Exchange of Informat ion on
Tax M atter s. See Model TIEA
Arnold, Bria n, 188–89
Arthurs Report, 20
Automatic Exchange. S ee also FATCA
Canada–US Tax Treaty, 235
Common Reporting S tandard, OECD
due diligence procedure s, 267–70
Financial A ccounts that are Report-
able Accounts, 263– 65
Financial A ccounts to be reviewed, 263
overview, 260– 61
Reporting Fi nancial Institutions,
trusts, 265–67
concerns, 253– 55, 270–71, 304 , 353
distinguished, 208
key features require d by OECD, 255–59
leaks, data, 2 44
Model Competen t Authority Agree ment,
Model Tax Treaty, 229
overview a nd policy background, 178–7 9,
247–53 , 255
recommendations, 3 56–57
statistics, 24 0, 248n4, 250n 20
Avi-Yonah, Reuven S, 88
Bank Leum i Group, 11
Bank of Nova Scotia , 149–50, 151–52
Bank Secrec y Act and the FBAR. Se e also
Voluntary disclosure, US
FATCA , 304
FBAR penalt ies, 323–31, 339, 351
Financial Cr imes Enforcement Network,
f‌inancial interes ts subject to FBAR
reportin g, 321–22
foreign accounts subject to FB AR re-
porting , 320
overview, 307– 8, 314–17
signature aut hority over foreign ac-
counts and record keeping, 3 22
Statement of Specif‌ied Foreign Fi nancial
Assets, 322–23
who must f‌ile the FBA R, 319–20
Bartie, Sus an, 20–21
Birkenfeld, Bradley, 74, 24 3n110
Bitcoin and virt ual currency, 9, 10n37
BNP Paribas, 10 –11
Brodzka, A licja and Sebastiano Gar uf‌i, 85
Canada–Sw itzerland Tax Treat y, 166– 67, 232

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