
AuthorSuzanne Chiodo
Abbott, Anthony C, 56, 56n52
Absent class members. See Class mem-
bers, absent
Access to Justice Conference, 101, 104, 173
Activist judges, Charter and, 69–70,
171–72, 173
Adverse costs awards, 191, 192–94,
199–200, 204
increase in, 196–97
representative plaintif‌f, to, 191
Advocates’ Society, 78–79, 99n63, 105,
107, 111, 123, 125, 138, 148, 162n439
opposition to no-way costs, 94
percentage contingency fees, 140
report on OLRC, 86, 87
Aggregate damages, 32
business opposed to, 71
OLRC draft legislation, 74, 76
Quebec, 42
Air India bombing, 140
Alberta, opt-out classes permitted, 226–27
Alboim, Naomi, 123
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co v Wilderness
Society (US), 26
An Act Respecting the Class Action (Que),
34n113, 40–41
amended, 1982, 43
reluctance of courts, 42–44
Anderson, Robert, 106, 138
Andrew, Judith, 106, 107n102
Arnup, JA, 31
Attorney General (Ont), special role in
class action suits, 73–74, 77, 78, 107,
119, 124–25
Attorney General’s Advisory Committee
(AGAC), 112–28
consensus required, 125
consensus and government funding,
costs, 132–41
compromise on, 132–33
consensus on, 137–38
heated discussion re, 135–36
public funding of, 134, 135, 136
December 1989 meeting, 137
drafting legislation, 141–51
Advisory Committee’s unusual
role in, 144–51
Cochrane attempts to control, 144
consensus helped passage of,
control of wording, 147
dif‌fered from Cabinet minute on
costs, 143
other examples of advisory com-
mittees drafting, 145n332
f‌irst meeting, 128, 130
f‌laws in process of, 183–86
funding, concerns about, 138–39
January 26, 1990 meeting, 139–41

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