
AuthorHarvey T Strosberg, QC
In this issue of the Canadian Class Action Review, we include the excellent
submissions that we received for the 2014 Harvey T Strosberg Essay
Prize. We receive numerous submissions for this prize ever y year and
every year we are impressed and thrilled by their quality. The winner
of the 2014 Strosberg prize was Samantha Greer, to whom we offer an
enthusiastic congratulation. Besides t he Strosberg prize papers, we are
delighted to include in this issue four papers on a range of relevant and
interesting cla ss action issues.
While much has been written about the authorization stage of the
Quebec class act ion, particularly after the 2003 amend ments to Quebec’s
Code of Civil Procedure, the recovery stage ha s received relatively little at-
tention. David Stolow and Robert Kugler aim to address this def‌iciency
in “L’étape du recouvrement en matière de recours collectif : les enjeux
et les objectifs sociaux.” Stolow and Kugler examine the Quebec class
action’s principal modes of recovery including the circumstances under
which they apply and the tendencies in t his respect, having rega rd to the
social purpose of class actions.
Next are two article s that explore the growing number of priv acy class
actions proceeding through Canadian courts. In “Canadian P rivacy Class
Actions at the Crossroads,” Lisa Talbot, Molly Reynolds, and Eliot Che
canvass the g rowth of privacy class action lit igation in Canada by focusing
on three categories of privac y class actions: claims challeng ing business
practices, claim s arising from accidental breache s, and claims relating to
targeted conduct. Meanwhile, Bar ry Glaspell and Daniel Girlando focus
their efforts on per sonal health information privacy breach class actions
in “The Rise of Personal Health Information Class Actions.” Glaspell
and Girlando canvass the growth of personal health inform ation class
actions spurred by Canadian health care facilities’ shift from paper to
digital records.
“Class Actions in Employment-Related Di sputes” suggests that class
action lawsuits can, in some ways, occupy the space left by the union
movement, which has been in decl ine in the private sector. But, as author
Peter S Spiro argues, the caselaw that has developed around the f‌inding
CCAR 11-1.indb 1 10/19/2015 11:49:42 AM

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