Law, Policy, and Reproductive Autonomy, Erin Nelson

AuthorLeah Seneviratne
(2015) 1 CJCCL
Book Note
Law, Policy, and Reproductive Autonomy,
Erin Nelson
Many of today’s social environments in which women  nd themselves
appear to uphold an ideal of individual liberty and unprecedented
access to education. In the case of reproductive choice, women often
have options to help facilitate their rights, but policies across jurisdictions
are inconsistent. Many women face barriers to the meaningful exercise
of choice. In Law, Policy, and Reproductive Autonomy,1 Erin Nelson
examines di erences in reproductive law and practice in Canada, the
United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia in ways that highlight
these di erences. Her study encourages us to question whether advances
in reproductive policy and technology are, for many, merely theoretical.
Nelson’s analysis of the level of reproductive autonomy permitted
across these jurisdictions is extensive and details the history of regulation
on reproduction, including benchmark case law and recent legislation.
She argues in favour of greater recognition of the capacity for choice,
improved access to health care, and a broader understanding of the context
in which reproductive decisions are made. She is particularly engaging on
the interests of the fetus, including a possible duty of care owed during
pregnancy. Nelson concludes by considering the implications of various
new reproductive technologies and the regulatory challenges to which
they give rise.  e book o ers a valuable overview of the current  eld of
reproductive case law and policy that will likely be of interest to lawyers,
scholars, and practitioners in the many areas in which reproductive rights
are implicated.
L S
1. Erin Nelson, Law, Policy, and Reproductive Autonomy (Oxford: Hart
Publishing, 2013).

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