Mac Bain.

PositionMY FAVOURITE THINGS - Dialogue with Mac Bain of Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities - Interview - Brief article

Mac Bain

Vice-president, FONOM

Councillor, City of North Bay

Where do you go to decompress?

Once a year my wife and I go on holiday to Las Vegas, to unwind and relax. No phones, no computers and no contact with the outside world.

What are some of your hobbies?

I love to get up early and play a round of golf in the summer, and I really do enjoy shovelling my driveway in the winter. But spending two nights a week out with my wife playing Texas hold 'em poker freerolls is what I look forward to all week.

What book would you say is worth reading twice?

I have a learning disability, but make myself read a lot, and Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities is my favorite. If you do not have that much time, then Macbeth.

What food do you consider to be a...

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