Minogue - on SuperBuild Fund.

PositionBrief Article

North's only voice on advisory board to focus on rural areas

The slings and arrows flung at Peter Minogue by politicians over his appointment to the board of Ontario's SuperBuild Fund hasn't distracted him from the job.

Minogue, who has served the last six years as chairman of North Bay's Economic Development Commission, was appointed to a three-year term on the board of the SuperBuild Fund last March.

His appointment was proposed by Finance Minister Ernie Eves and approved by the standing committee on government agencies.

Provincial Liberal and New Democratic critics questioned his appointment to the board, but other Northern economic development representatives have supported him, says the long-time associate of Premier Mike Harris.

The North's only voice on the advisory board, Minogue says he often receives calls from Northern economic development representatives requesting information and advice on the SuperBuild Fund established by the government as a partnership between the public and private sectors.

The fund, established last year and overseen by the ministry of finance, is expected to pour $20 billion into capital spending on provincial infrastructure over five years, as well as to meet the needs of hospitals, schools and other publicly funded institutions.

Minogue doesn't see himself as representing just the North, but also small businesses and smaller municipalities as well as rural areas.

Many of the other 12 board members have significant experience in banking or finances, but lack the experience of living in a rural area or managing smaller scale operations, he says adding that the board's...

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