Nowhere to Stand: Correction by Force in the Supreme Court of Canada

AuthorAnne McGillivray
 
Nowhere to Stand: Correction by Force in the
Supreme Court of Canada
 
Chasten thy s on while there is hope, a nd let not thy soul spare for hi s crying.
 Proverbs :
Every school teac her, parent or person standi ng in the plac e of a parent
is just ied in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or c hild, as
the case may be , who is under his car e, if the force does not excee d what is
reasonable in t he circumsta nces.
 Criminal Code
. . . it’s just
A famil y tradition
e strengt h of this land
Where what ’s right and wrong
Is the back of a hand
Turns girls i nto women
A boy to a man
But the right s of the children
Have nowhere to stand .
 k.d. lang,  
e verse “ has probably bee n responsible fo r more physical pa in than a ny other sentence
ever wr ien.” Northr op Frye, e Gre at Code: e Bible a nd Literature (Toronto:
Harcou rt Brace Jova novich, ) at . Twelve v erses exhor t corpora l punishme nt but
“spare the ro d” is not among t hem. It comes fr om Samuel Butle r’s sexual sat ire Hudibra s
(): “Love is a boy by poe ts stil’ d; en spare t he rod, and spoil t he child.”
Criminal Code , RSC – , c. , s. .
k.d. lang a nd e Recline s, “Nowhere to Sta nd,” Absolute Torch an d Twang (Prod. Greg
Penny, Ben Mi nk, and k.d . lang. Sire R ecords, May  ).
   58
e  United Nations Co nvention on the Rights of the Child requ ires that
the child be protected from “all forms of physical or mental violence” a nd
from “cruel, inhuman or deg rading treatment or punishment.”
e Charter
guara ntees equal protection and equal benet of the law to ever yone, chil-
dren included. Consistent a nd cumul ative resea rch shows the inutility of
corporal pun ishment. Canada’s constitutionally f rail “spanking law,” section
 of t he Criminal Code, was ripe for challenge. e Canadian Foundation
for Child ren, Youth a nd the Law challenged the law by way of stated c ase in
the Ontar io courts and the Supreme Court of Canada, arg uing that section
 breaches children’s ri ghts to security of the person, freedom from cr uel
or unusual punis hment, and f reedom from age-based discrimi nation. I n
, McLac hlin CJ found t hat section  violates no r ight of the child. e
decision i n Canadian Found ation for Children , Youth and the Law v. Canada
(Aorney General) was vigorously denounced in dissenting judgments by
Binnie, A rbour, and Deschamps JJ and i n numerous academic articles.
Can. T.S.   No , arts. () and . See al so the Conven tion on the Elim ination of Al l
Forms of D iscrimina tion agains t Women, Can. T.S.   No ; and the International
Covenan t on Civil and Poli tical Right s, Can. T.S.  No .
C anadian Cha rter of Righ ts and Freedom s, Part I of the C onstitut ion Act, , b eing
Schedule B t o the Canada Ac t  (UK), , c. , s . () [Charter]: “Every ind ividual
is equal b efore and under t he law and has t he right to the eq ual protect ion and equal
benet of the l aw without di scrimi nation and, i n particu lar, without d iscrim ination
based on rac e, national or e thnic orig in, colour, rel igion, sex, a ge or mental or phys ical
disabi lity.” Section () makes a n exception f or programs w hose object is to a meliorate
condition s of inequal ity aris ing from dis advantage s such as age.
RSC  , c. C-.
Cana dian Founda tion for Childr en, Youth and the L aw v. Canada (Aor ney General),
 SCC  [Foundation], a’g (),  OR (d)  (CA), a’g (),  OR (d)
(SCJ). Appeal di smissed, Bi nnie J dis senting in pa rt and Arb our and Descha mps JJ
dissent ing. e Founda tion operates t he Toronto law clinic J ustice for Ch ildren and
Youth, which p rovides lega l service s to children , advocates for l aw and system r eform,
and seek s “to furth er Canada’s compli ance with it s obligations t o children u nder
intern ational law, in pa rticul ar with th e United Nations C onvention on th e Rights of
the Child ,” Mission stat ement, onli ne: www.jfc e Court Ch allenges P rogram
provided s tart-up fu nding on the app lication of Dr. A ilsa Watk inson, Facu lty of Socia l
Work, Univer sity of Reg ina.
Amon g others, see Joan E . Durrant et al ., “Protect ion of Child ren from Physic al Mal-
treatme nt in Canada: A n Evaluat ion of the Supreme Cou rt’s Denit ion of Reasona ble
Force” () : J Agg ression, Ma ltreatment & Trau ma  [Durant et al ., “Protect ion
of Child ren”]; Rory O’Con nell, “e Ro le of Dignit y in Equali ty Law: Les sons from
Canada a nd South Af rica” () : Int’ l J Constitut ional L ; Jo an E. Durr ant et
al., “Wh at Did the Cana dian Publ ic Learn fro m the  Supreme C ourt Decis ion on
Physica l Punish ment?” () : Int’ l J Child Rt s ; Mark Ca rter, “‘Debun king’ Pa r-

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