Peter Turner.

PositionMY FAVOURITE THINGS - Interview

PETER TURNER, Lobbyist for the commercial drivers of Canada with The Trucker's Voice, Age 48, Sudbury Born

What was the first car you owned?

"It was a 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner. I had it two years and forgot to put antifreeze in it because I parked it for the winter and blew the block out of it."

How many times have you been arrested?

"In Canada or the United States? In Canada twice. Once for threatening to drive my truck through a guy's front door because he refused to pay me. The other one was that I disobeyed a court order and received a year's probation. That was in Timmins (in last winter's trucker blockade)."

What are the two strongest attributes of your character?

"My honesty and my integrity. If we're right, we're right plain and simple, let's just do it. Let's stop the B.S., we have to make it right."

What was the most unusual haul you ever delivered?

"Well, I picked up a lion in Manitoba. It was a concrete statue and I brought all the way back to North...

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