
AuthorStephen G.A. Pitel/Nicholas S. Rafferty
ProfessionFaculty of Law, University of Western Ontario/Faculty of Law, University of Calgary
Our aim in wr iting this text i s to explain, clearly and concisely, the
rules of the conf‌lict of laws in force in common law Ca nada. We wanted
to produce a book that is both readable and thoughtful and that will
appeal to both legal practitioners and law students. In our view, a new
text on this topic is highly t imely. This area of law takes on greater
importance with each passing year. Globalization is erodi ng borders
in commercial transactions and fami ly relationships, yet much law re-
mains highly ter ritorial. Understanding the conf‌lict of laws allows law-
yers, judges, scholars, and students to better addre ss any legal situation
that crosses borders, whether international or interprov incial.
It has been our privilege to collaborate on this text. However, writ-
ing by committee is diff‌icult in the best of circum stances and we have
been at a distance of some 3,000 kilometres throughout the process.
We accordingly each took responsibility for specif‌ic chapters. In the
interests of full di sclosure we can advise that Professor Raf ferty wrote
chapters 5, 7, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, and 23 and that Professor Pitel wrote
the others. We have set out the law as it stood on 1 September 2009, al-
though in some areas we h ave been able to make the te xt more current
during the page proof process.
We have been fortunate indeed to have had the support of Irwin
Law for this project, especially in its willingness to publish new texts
on traditional subjects. It has been a pleasure to work with Irwin Law
as we went from manuscr ipt to publication.
We thank our home institutions, the Facultie s of Law at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario and the Universit y of Calgary. The former

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