Create a professional image with impact.

We've all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but at no time could this be truer than in our very visual digital world. Doing business on the Web with customers and business partners you may never meet in person puts new demands on the image you project. Image expert and coach Yanka Van der Kolk ( Tel:416-469-2121), has worked with thousands of people, using her background as a photographer and as a top Canadian model, to help them overcome the "not photogenic" obstacle. She offers this insider advice to women business owners:

Invest in having a professional photograph taken.

Your phone could ring at any moment with a request for you to speak at an event and supply a photo for promotion purposes. Don't be caught without a professional shot on hand. Far too many women entrepreneurs put themselves last, never investing the time and money to have a professional photograph taken. Be prepared when associations, media or magazines request your photo... and update it regularly -- try for every year.

Portray the right image.

What kind of image do you want to project for yourself and your company. Conservative? Progressive? Hip? Avant-guarde? Your appearance and dress should reflect how you would like others to perceive you. Think of it as creating your...

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