Property of the Bankrupt
Author | Roderick J. Wood |
Profession | Faculty of Law University of Alberta |
Pages | 79-117 |
chaPter 4
a. the cOncePt OF PrOPerty in
BankruPtcy L aw
The concept of property is central to bankruptcy law. In order to under-
stand its use, one must know something about the meaning of this con-
cept in the wider context of the general law. Most often, the concept is
employed to distinguish between two fund amentally different kind s of
rights — personal rights and proprietary tights. A personal right (also
referred to a right in personam) is one that is enforceable against an
identifiable person or a definite class of persons. When a creditor lends
money to a debtor, t he creditor obtains a personal right against the
debtor to recover t he debt. The right is enforceable only against the
person who incurred the obligation. A proprietary r ight (also referred
to as a right in rem) is a right in respect of a thing. The right is available
against an indefinite class of person s.1 However, the concept of prop-
erty is also sometimes used in a wider, les s technical sen se to denote
all valuable rights without regard to whether they are personal r ights
or proprietary rights.
1 It is sometimes s aid that it is a right enforceable ag ainst the entire world, but
this is not a nece ssary condition for a propert y right. For example, a finder ha s
a property ri ght in the goods that is good aga inst the world except for the true
owner, and a subordin ate secured creditor has a prop erty interest in the coll at-
eral that i s trumped by that of a senior s ecured creditor.
Bankruptcy law use s the wider meaning of property in one context
and the narrower meaning in another. One must be careful when using
the term in order to understand which sense is intended. The wider
meaning is used in identifying which of the debtor’s assets will be
available to satisfy the claims of the creditors. The Act defines property
in a very broad manner that sweeps both personal r ights and propert y
rights into the bankrupt estate. For example, a personal r ight held by
the bank rupt to recover a debt from another ve sts in the trustee, who
thereby obtains the right to commence an action to recover the debt. In
this respect, the definition of propert y is not drawing a distinction be-
tween personal rights and property right s but rather is using the term
in the broad sense as including all the assets of the bankrupt. This does
not pick up absolutely every right held by t he bankr upt. A right of ac-
tion to recover d amages in tort for pain and suffering does not vest in
the tru stee. Nevertheless, most economically significant rights w ill be
caught by the definition.
The narrower concept of property is used to differentiate between
claims against the bankrupt that are adm inistered within the bank-
ruptcy regime and claims against the bankrupt that remain enforceable
outside it. It is here that the di stinction bet ween a personal right and
a property right i s of fundamental importance. A person who has a
personal right against the ban krupt loses the right to enforce the claim
upon the occurrence of the bankruptcy.2 In its pl ace, the clai mant ob-
tains the r ight to prove the claim in b ankruptcy and obtain a dividend
from the liquidation of t he bankr upt’s a ssets. The matter is entirely
different i f the claimant has a property r ight in the asset. Only t hose
assets that belong to the bankrupt vest in the trustee.3 If the asset is not
owned by the bankrupt but i s the property of the claimant, the claim-
ant will have the r ight to recover the asset from the trustee.
In many instances, both the ban krupt and the claimant will have
property rights in the same thing. Consider the case of a bankrupt who
operated a jewelry store a nd repaired a watch owned by a customer.
The bankr upt has a property right in the watch in the form of a pos-
sessory lien, while the customer rem ains t he owner of the watch. The
right to the lien is a property right t hat vests i n the tr ustee, and it can
be asserted by the trustee against t he customer. However, the lien se-
cures only the cost of the repairs and does not give the trustee the right
2 The right is not lost but is mer ely suspended in respect of ce rtain kinds of
claims t hat survive the dis charge of an individual ba nkrupt. See Chapter 10,
Section G.
3 Bankruptcy an d Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3, s. 71 [BIA].
Property of t he Bankrupt 81
to the full value of the watch unless it happens to b e less than the cost
of the repairs.
The ban krupt and the claimant may h ave conflicting claims to a
right. For example, a person to whom a debt is owed may have assigned
the right to both the bankrupt a nd to another clai mant. Proper ty law
provides priority rules for the resolution of conflicting claims to the
thing.4 In the example above, priority between the trustee in bank rupt-
cy and the claimant is resolved according to the order of registration in
the personal property registry if the assignments were within the scope
of personal property security legi slation.5 If not, priority is given to the
first person to notify t he debtor of the assignment.6
B. the Bank ruPt’s estate
1) Property Vesting in the Trustee
Upon t he occurrence of a bankruptcy, the debtor’s property vests in
the trustee i n bankruptcy.7 The definition of property is very wide and
encompasses any t ype of property “whether real or person al, legal or
equitable, as well as obligations, easements and every descr iption of
estate, interest and profit, present or future, vested or contingent, i n,
arising out of or incident to propert y.”8 The definition covers both per-
sonal rights and property rights that are held by the bankrupt at the
time of the bankruptcy. The vest ing of property in the trustee occurs
through operation of law without t he need for any document or act of
conveyance to give effect to the transfer.
The assets t hat vest in the tr ustee are subject to all the limitations
or defences that could be asserted against the bankrupt.9 Thi s is w hat is
4 The subject matter of the prop erty right can be a per sonal right, such as a
debt. Propert y law defines who has the bett er claim to the debt. However, the
subject matter agai nst which the competing cla imants assert t heir proprietary
claims — the debt — remains a person al right. It is enforceable by legal a ction
against the p erson who owes the obligation (the account debtor). If the account
debtor also goes b ankrupt, the part y who has the better claim t o the debt will
nevertheles s lose the right to sue on it and wil l instead obtain only th e right to
prove for a dividend in t he bankruptcy of the account debtor.
5 See R. Cuming, C . Walsh, & R. Wood, Personal Prope rty Security Law (Toront o:
Irwin, 2 005) at 92 and 309–12.
6 Dearle v. Hall (1828), 3 Russ. 1.
7 BIA, above note 3, s. 71.
8 Ibid., s. 2 “property.”
9 Yale v. MacMaster (1974), 18 C.B.R. (N.S.) 225 (Ont. H.C.J.).
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