Reconciling Limitation Period Principles with the Purposes and Complexity of Ontario Class Proceedings

AuthorJonathan Bida and Garth Myers
reConCIlInG lIMITaTIon
PerIod Pr InCIPles w IT H THe
PurPoses and CoMPlexITY of
onTar Io Cl a ss ProCeedInGs
Jonathan Bida and Garth Myers
Abstract: This paper discusses the tension in reconciling
class action principles with the traditional principles under-
lying limit ation periods, particula rly as it relates to the claims
of absent class members. In particular, this paper explores
the issues th at arise when limitation periods are suspended
under class proceedings legislation, when the limitation
periods will resume running, and the adjudication of limita-
tion period issues at the common issues stage. The authors
conclude that these principles do not conf‌lict and that trad-
itional li mitation period principles provide an interpretive
lens for the resolution of limitation per iods issues in class
CCAR 8-2.indb 177 4/25/2013 3:10:32 PM
CCAR 8-2.indb 178 4/25/2013 3:10:32 PM

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