Le Recours Collectif et La Loi Sur La Protection Du Consommateur : Complicité, Utilité, Complémentarité

AuthorPierre-Claude Lafond
Pierre-Claude Lafond
Abstract: The Consumer Protection Act and the Class Actions
Act were both enacted in Quebec in 1978, thirty-four years
ago. Far from being a simple coincidence, the integration of
these two import ant legislations in the provincial jur idical
picture reveals the narrow links between protection of vul-
nerable groups and their access to justice. Their alliance is
not only conceptual, but also strategic. The analysis and the
experiment demonst rate that, in many cases, without class
actions, the consumers possess only theoretical rights. The
processing of consumers’ complaints to the small claims
court clearly shows its limits.
Making a natural alliance w ith the Consumer Protection
Act, which offers the keys to subjective rights, the class ac-
tion procedure establishes a privileged way to access justice
for consumers. By collectivizing the processi ng of the com-
plaints, it allows for a real and effective application of the
individual r ights offered by the law. Collective problems need
collective solutions. The caselaw successes of the last four
decades illustrate the important evolution that class actions
have made in the area of consumer protection in high-level
courts — up to the Supreme Court of Canada — and they
have generated a rich jurisprudence.
Class actions give a voice to consumers. They also pro-
vide consumers with an effective remedy for damages under-
gone in numerous cases, and under va ried and creative forms.
4The Cana dian Cl ass Action R eview
Furthermore, they contr ibute to the real application of the
Consumer Protection Act, a public order legislation. Concep-
tually, the consumer law and cla ss actions are both animated
by a collective spirit. It is not surpising that they a lign so well
in practice.

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