Shifting the focus of tourism.


Opportunities beyond hunting and fishing

"Tourists seek ecological attractions."

That was the headline of a recent. Associated Press story that described an emerging trend in Florida tourism that should deliver an important message to Northern Ontario.

Apparently, 18.2 million people visited Florida in July, August and September - an increase of 11 per cent above the 1999 level. More importantly, nearly 38 per cent, or almost seven million people, took part-in some sort of environmental, cultural or historical activity during their stay within that three-month period. That's higher than the number of people who visited the theme parks for which Florida is so renowned. As one person was quoted, "I don't mind staying at the beach, but not every day."

What? Theatres, parks, nature reserves, museums and heritage festivals are a bigger drew than Disney World or Sea World? Does the future of tourism lie in these niche markets? Apparently so.

So what does this mean for Northern Ontario?

First, we traditionally have focused our tourism marketing efforts on the fishermen and hunters of the upper Midwest United States. Visitors will jump in their cars or trucks in Chicago, Detroit or Minneapolis and drive to Northern Ontario. Frequently, they, bring their own boats, motors, groceries and the other gear necessary to enjoy the fruits of our Crown land. But, is this where the owners of our resorts, outfitting establishments and campgrounds should be trying to build and grow their businesses? Is this where the Northern Ontario tourism marketing board should direct their efforts?

I think not. While efforts should be made to maintain this market base, it is not the future not where we should look for growth and development of our tourism sector.

While hunting is acknowledged as a "heritage" activity, the truth is that the issuance of hunting licences has been on a steep decline for years. Sport fishing continues to grow in popularity, but our sport fishery in Ontario does have finite limits.

Do we respect the feelings of the wife and kids who ask Dad, "Why can't we go too?" Do we listen to the person who says, "I don't mind fishing, but not all day, every day."

Snowmobiling may be peaking in popularity, but cross-country skiing has lots of room to grow. How many people might be thrilled to have an opportunity to drive a dogsled, if only for a half hour? Can an after-noon at the local museum, a visit to a community heritage festival or just a walk through...

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