Manitoba takes steps to address fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

The Manitoba government has taken the initiative to deal with FAS by putting $1 million dollars over the next three years into prevention and dealing with the long-term effects.

"FAS is the leading cause of preventable birth defects," said Bonnie Mitchelson lead Minister of the Children and Youth Secretariat. "By working together, government, the community, and parents can prevent the tragic life-long effects of FAS on a child."

A new program, STOP FAS, will be delivered in partnership with the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre and the Nor'west Co-op Community Health Centre with 60 to 75 substance abusing women at risk of having a child affected by FAS. The program will try to prevent additional FAS births by

* helping participants obtain drug and alcohol treatment;

* connecting participants to training that will...

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