Ten tips for event success.

AuthorReynolds, Lynne
PositionCorporate Gifts & Event Planning

More and more, as companies seek to distinguish themselves in a highly competitive environment, event marketing is becoming one of the most effective and necessary tools to achieve a multitude of sales, fundraising or philanthropic objectives with just one well-conceived idea.

Traditional methods of fundraising and advertising, such as telethons and direct mail, are not yielding as much return on investment as they once did. Furthermore, special events impart vitality, entertainment and information to the whole community.

Events can play a key role in marketing, driving demand, sourcing leads, reinforcing brand, creating awareness and enhancing good will.

Here are my 10 best tips for maximizing the success of your next event. They can be applied to both commercial endeavours, such as trade shows, and to conferences and fundraising events.

Aside from the obvious logistics of planning your internal organization, choosing the right people for the right jobs, selecting your venue and your target audience, do extra research to see what other events you might be competing with on your event dates.

  1. Budget carefully. You do not want your expenses to eat up your profit. Spend a considerable amount of time here to streamline your expenses, while still maintaining your most professional appearance.

    2 Find sponsorships (or be a sponsor). Whether it is cash or in-kind services, sponsorship has now outstripped advertising and sales promotion as an effective marketing tool. When organizing your event, approach corporations and businesses that will receive an obvious tie-in benefit from sponsoring your event. Get sponsorships for as many portions of your event as possible. Remember--advertising is a monologue, but sponsorship is a dialogue.

  2. Make registering and ticket information accessibility EASY. People are busy and do not always have the time to chase down all the information they need to attend an event. Online registration, Web sites and easy ticket locations can maximize participation.

  3. See an experience not just a ticket. Ensure that your event is creative, looks good and is fun. Ensure that the onsite staff is relaxed and having fun, as well. Too many times we see fear and panic on the faces of the stressed-out organizers, this is not a sign that inspires confidence.

  4. Your materials should clearly indicate everything that is happening at your event. Remember the 5Ws--who, what, where, when and why. I am always surprised when I receive a...

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