The collected wisdom of ...

AuthorCroteau, Don

Q What's a good book worth reading again?

"Who Moved My Cheese? (by) Spencer Johnson, M.D. "When you're in a career, there's always something changing. You get used to something, then something else changes. You should be expecting things will change (so) don't get complacent. Someday you'll find out they don't need you anymore either. Just because you're doing a good job, don't think you'll be there forever.

It was a book referred by one of my previous employers. They had the whole organization read it. It's easy reading and short book, 70 pages. It was real simple and it hit home."


Q What famous celebrity/personality do people say you resemble?

Brad Pitt.

Q What's one chore you hate doing?

Ironing. It's one of those things I keep doing over and over.

Q Finish this sentence: I wish I'd invented ....

The cell phone.

Q What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Commercial pilot.

My brother's a (commercial) pilot and he just started his own CD training course to get your ground school. He just sent the package on Friday, I'm pretty impressed. "I'd like to get my pilot's licence. I live here on a lake and I watch guys with their own planes...

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