About the Authors

AuthorJamie Chai Yun Liew; Donald Galloway
A daughter of a stateless immigrant to Canada, Jamie Chai Yun Liew is
an immigration and ref ugee lawyer who has appeared at the Immigra-
tion and Refugee Board, Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and
the Supreme Court of Canada. She is also an assistant professor at the
Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, where she teaches, among other
courses, Immigrat ion and Refugee Law, Advanced Refugee Law, and Ad-
ministrative Law. Professor Liew is the holder of degrees in political sci-
ence and commerce from the University of Calgary, international affairs
from Carleton University, and law from the University of Ottawa and
Columbia University. She is a member of litigation committees for the
Canadian Council for Refugees and the Canadian Association of Refugee
Lawyers, and her research focuses on the per formative and consequen-
tial aspect s of how Canadian law i s affecting refugees and i mmigrants.
Having clerked with Justice Douglas Campbell at the Federal Court of
Canada, Professor Liew wa s also a member of the Sesay defence team
at the Special Court in Sierr a Leone and the Commission counsel team at
the Cornwall Public Inquiry.
Donald Galloway is a professor of law at the University of Victoria, where
he teaches Immigrat ion and Citizenship Law, Refugee Law, and Torts.
Professor Galloway has degrees in law and philosophy from the Univer-
sity of Edinburgh and Har vard University. He has served as a memb er of
the Refugee Division of the Imm igration and Refugee Board and as a
member of the executive of the Canadi an Association of Refugee Lawyers.

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