
AuthorGregory Tardi
[ xv ]
    the idea of writing a b ook about a general election
in the form of a diary during the th federal general election of ,
while I was legal counsel at Elections Canada. at initial text comprised
seven pages and was not published. I did, however, keep what I wrote, to
serve as a model. e exercise also instilled in me what turned out to be
a long-held desire to convert my short paper into a book. Several elec-
tions followed, at each of which I wrote something, but not a book. In
early , I resolved that the rd would provide the best opportunity
to fulf‌ill my goal. By that time, Anatomy would turn out to be my sixth
book, surrounded by articles, chapters, and the editorship of the Journal
of Parliamentary and Political Law | Revue de droit parlementaire et politique. All
along, I have continued to develop my interest in the linkage of law,
policy, and politics.
Since the spring of , I have devoted considerable research and
writing to this book. As is likely true for most authors focusing on diverse
aspects of the conduct of public aairs, in a sea of available material, I
have had to focus on the most important facts and trends relating to my
topic. at means f‌irst that I have gathered more material than I could
use in putting together a book that would maintain readers’ interest. It
has meant also, however, that I am certain some readers will believe I

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